I heard that there are many scholars in the world, so I said, "I was born without sealing Wan Huhou, but I hope to get to know Jingzhou in North Korea." What a charming sight! As for this! It is not because of the wind, bow and vomit of the Duke of Zhou that domestic heroes run away. Once they climb the Longmen, they are worth ten times! Therefore, all rich people want to set prices in the name of Jun. I hope that the monarch will not be arrogant because of wealth, but will be cold and humble, so that there will be a lot of achievements among the 3 thousand, which will make Bai stand out, that is, how people are.
Bai, a commoner in Longxi, lived in the Chu-Han period. He is good at fencing and is a vassal all over the world. 30% of his articles were sent to the Prime Minister. Although he is less than seven feet long, he is full of ambition. They are all respected by princes and adults. This domain is full of ambition, why can't your majesty exhaust it?
Hou Jun is a natural pedant who makes gods and does things by virtue. Fortunately, he is willing to open his heart and face it, and he will not refuse it for a long time. If he receives with a high banquet, he will speak freely and do his best every day. Today, Hou Jun is the secretary of the article. Once he finishes the title, the balance of characters will make him a good scholar. But why should Hou Jun cherish this rank?
Yesterday, Wang Zishi was in Yuzhou, but he didn't get off the bus, so he got off and set up Kong Wenju. Dan Tao worked in Jizhou and recruited more than 30 people. She was the first generation of beauty. The monarch also recommended strict association law and became a doctor's secretary and disciples of Cui Zongzhi, Fang Xizu, Li Xin and Xu Ying. He is either famous for his talent or rewarded for his innocence. Every time he looked at his title, he devoted himself to loyalty and gratitude.
It is said that all the speakers in the world get together and say, "Life doesn't need to be named Wan Huhou, I just want to get to know Han Jingzhou." How to make people admire and love, to such an extent! It's not because you have the style of the Duke of Zhou and practice hair-shaking, so heroes and gentlemen all over the country run around and return to your door. The reputation of scholars will greatly increase once your reception scope is expanded, so all wise men who bend but don't stretch want to get a good reputation here and establish their own reputation. I hope you don't be arrogant to them because of your wealth, and don't despise them because of their meanness, so that there will be wizards like Mao Sui among your many guests. If I can have a chance to show my talent, I am such a person.
Once upon a time, Wang Zishi served as the secretariat of Yuzhou. Before he arrived, he recruited Xun Ciming, and after he arrived, he recruited Kong Wenju. Dan Tao is the secretariat of Jizhou,
It is said that all the speakers in the world get together and say, "Life doesn't need to be named Wan Huhou, I just want to get to know Han Jingzhou." How to make people admire and love, to such an extent! It's not because you have the style of the Duke of Zhou and practice hair-shaking, so heroes and gentlemen all over the country run around and return to your door. The reputation of scholars will greatly increase once your reception scope is expanded, so all wise men who bend but don't stretch want to get a good reputation here and establish their own reputation. I hope you don't be arrogant to them because of your wealth, and don't despise them because of their meanness, so that there will be wizards like Mao Sui among your many guests. If I can have a chance to show my talent, I am such a person.
Once upon a time, Wang Zishi served as the secretariat of Yuzhou. Before he arrived, he recruited Xun Ciming, and after he arrived, he recruited Kong Wenju. Dan Tao is the secretariat of Jizhou,
And people are not Yao and Shun, who can be good? Bai Mo's plan, can he be proud of himself? As for the production, if it accumulates into scrolls, you will want to see and listen to the dust. You are afraid of small tricks and are not suitable for adults. If you give me a humble opinion, please give it to paper and ink, and then go back to the leisure porch to write. It's turquoise, and the long price is at the door of Xue and Bian. Fortunately, it is vulgar, but it is decorated with lotto. (Shanghainese, can wait. )