The minister is not difficult to say, but he is also seriously ill. Therefore, although the measurement is positive, it may not be heard; Although righteousness is complete, it may not be used.
If the king doesn't believe this, the little one thinks it will ruin and slander, and the big one will suffer disaster and die. So, my sons Xu Shanmou and Wu Zhazhi, Zhong Nishan, surrounded me, and I was imprisoned by Lu.
So aren't the three doctors Germany? And the three kings are unknown. Soup is the most sacred in ancient times: Yi Yin is the wisest.
My husband's wisdom is the most sacred, but he still doesn't accept it at the age of 70. He holds the tripod for slaughter, kisses for kisses, and the soup is used to know his talents. Therefore, wisdom is the most sacred and may not be acceptable. Yi Yin said that soup is also; Wisdom says fools don't listen, and King Wen says yes.
So King Wen said that he was imprisoned; Wings waiting to be baked; It's better to be dry than to wait for wax. Minami acid; Yi Wu was tied; And Cao Chen; Berry pleaded; The legend has turned; Grandson's foot is in Wei; Wuqi cried at the shore gate, the pain of Xihe River was Qin, and the pawn branch was solved in Chu; Uncle CuO said that the state machine was reversed, and GongSunYang ran to the State of Qin; Guan Longfeng beheaded; Changhong split; Yin is a thorn; Sima Zi died and floated in the river; Tian Ming shot; Mizi base, Ximen Bao died without fighting; Dong An died and lived in the city. Slaughter is inevitable in Tianchang; Combine with Wei. These dozens of people are benevolent and loyal people with Taoism, but unfortunately they died in front of the chaos.
However, although the sage is born to die, who can avoid humiliation? It's hard to say for a fool, and it's hard to say for a gentleman. Besides, what you say is ugly, but you won't listen unless you are a saint. May the king be familiar with it
All treacherous court officials want to follow their master's heart in order to take advantage of their relatives. Based on the goodness of the Lord, I was praised for it; The Lord gave something, so I ruined it.
Generally speaking, this is also true if you choose the same person, but it is not true if you choose different people. Those who are respected by today's people are also ministers and people's actions, which is called taking the same; Those who are destroyed by others are also wronged by others. It's called sharing.
It is unheard of for a husband to choose between union and opposition. The reason why this minister won trust and happiness is also.
A treacherous husband, a traitor, had to use his faith and wealth to advance and retreat to a group of ministers. If the master doesn't have the skills to defend himself, or he didn't participate in the trial, he will believe what he said today. The lucky minister had to cheat his master and become a private person. Therefore, the Lord will be above, and the minister will be above. This is called the minister of the good Lord.
State-owned ministers who are good at governing are not allowed to use their intelligence to go to Chen Qizhong, and officials who are officials are not allowed to serve the law and make contributions. Why is it clear? If my husband is in Amway, he will do it, and the victim will go. This person has a good relationship.
I have done my duty as a minister, and I have done my best in Chen Zhong. He was trapped in a poor family, and his father and son suffered greatly. A traitor who harms others and benefits himself, a noble minister who deals in goods and goods, respects his family wealth, and his father and son are humiliated: how can one go to an interested party? If this is too much for governing the country, it is obviously impossible for officials to serve the law. Therefore, knowing loyalty and faithfulness cannot lead to Amway. You will definitely say: "I am still ignorant and want to know the feeling of black and white.
If we talk about things by Tao, instead of seeking wealth and seeking peace by things, it will be a voice that turns a deaf ear and wants to break the turbidity, the more so. The two can't live in peace, and I can't compare with last week. Is it a rape to cover the Lord and treat others with kindness? "This will be regardless of the meaning of the master.
His officials know that Fang Zhengzhi can't get peace, and they will say, "I seek peace through honesty. If I want to be a Fiona Fang without rules, I will be few;" If you rely on obeying the law and not relying on cronies to run for safety, it is still scratching your head, and the more so! They can't be safe. Can they do private things without abolishing the law and fitting people? "This will ignore your majesty's law. So there are many people who value self-interest, and few people use the law to serve the monarch.
It is because the Lord is above and the minister is below. So did Tian Cheng's killing Jane Palace. A capable person is also a minister, and his words are effective. He knows the law and was framed by a traitor to be loyal to his country.
If the degree is effective before, then rewards and punishments will be used afterwards. People are honest and clear about the skills of saints, but they are not careful about what the world says. They judge right and wrong according to name and fact, and judge words because of experience.
Therefore, officials close to Xi, knowing that fraud can't be safe, will say, "I won't go on a trip to rape private interests and try my best to serve the victims. Instead, compare it with Zhou, and seek peace in a false name. It is still a heavy responsibility, and it is inevitable that I will survive in an unpredictable abyss. " The official of a hundred officials, knowing that he is restless because of his evil interests, must say, "I don't maintain law and order with integrity, but bend the law to private interests with corruption." It is necessary to survive on high hills and fall under steep valleys. "
If the security is clear, the left and right can confuse the Lord with empty words, and the officials dare to fish with greed? Therefore, I can get Chen Qizhong without any disadvantage, and I can perform my duties without complaint. The reason why Guan Zhong ruled Qi was also related to the reason why he ruled.
From this point of view, the sage ruling the country also makes people have to love my way, not rely on others to love me. It is dangerous to rely on others to love me, and it is safe for others to rely on me.
The husband, the monarch and the minister have no relatives of the same flesh and blood, and the path of integrity can benefit, and I try my best to serve the Lord; If the way of honesty can't be taken for granted, then I will settle it. The wise master knew this, so he set up a method to show it to the world.
Husband is people-oriented. Although not an instructor, do not seek evil, the country has been ruled. Man is the master. If you leave Lou, you are smart. If you leave Lou, you are wise.
Don't let it count. When it's clear, you'll see less. It's not a bad trick. Not because of its potential, but because of its ears, few people hear it, so don't bully it.
Those who know the Lord let the world see for itself and let the world listen for itself. So, being in the deep palace shines all over the world, and the world can cover up those who can bully the weak and fear the hard, so what? The way of chaos is useless, and the trend of wisdom is also prosperous.
Therefore, those who are good at taking advantage of the situation are safe, and they do not know that the country is in danger because of the situation. In the custom of ancient Qin dynasty, the reason why the monarch and the minister abolished the law and served privately was based on the weakness of the country's soldiers and the inferiority of the Lord.
Shang Jun said that Qin Xiaogong rewarded traitors and trapped them by reforming politics, changing customs, being fair and honest.
2. Seeking the ancient prose Han Feizi is the founder of Legalism, which is said in "Han Feizi's Seven Techniques of Hiding". Seven skills: first, the public must visit, second, the threat must be punished, third, the letter must be rewarded, fourth, the responsibility must be heard, fifth, the treachery must be suspected, sixth, the knowledge must be asked, and seventh, the words must be reversed. These seven things are all used by the Lord.
After twice, you will be punished. If you love too much, the law won't stand. Weakness invades. If the punishment is not necessary, the ban will not work. He said that during Dong Zi's 11th trip, he went to Kyrgyzstan with Zi Chan's teaching. Therefore, it is called meteorite frost, while Yin is punished by law to abandon ash; Will go to the orchestra pit, and GongSunYang is a misdemeanor. It is because Lishui's gold has not been saved, and the fire in Jize has not been saved. Cheng Huan was weak in the state of Qi, and the cloth was merciful to Wang Wei. Guan Zhong knew himself, so he died. If the heir knows, buy it.
If the monarch is too kind, the legal system cannot be established; If you lack dignity, you will be violated by your deputy. Therefore, if the punishment is not resolutely enforced, the ban will not be enforced. In the related commentary, in Shuo Er, Dong Fa visited Shi Yi and Zi Chan and taught you to travel in Kyrgyzstan. So Confucius wants to talk about first frost, Yin Fa wants to throw the ashes into the street, teach the main players to bid farewell to the orchestra pit, and Shang Yang wants to severely punish misdemeanors. Therefore, the gold in Lishui is not guaranteed, and the fire in Jize is not saved. Cheng Huan thought that Tairen, the king of Qi, would weaken Qi, while Bu Bu thought that Cihui, the king of Wei, would go to extinction. Guan Zhong knew that he had to be punished, so he had to chop up the body and forbid reburial. Wei Sijun knew that he must be punished, so he wanted to buy back the escaped prisoner.
3. Urgent: an ancient China proverb about law 1. Zi chan: "the fire is fierce, and the people fear it, so they die less;" Water is weak, and people will die more if they play with it. Zichan: For example, people are afraid when they see it, so they seldom die.
Water is weak, people get close to it and play with it, so many people die. 2. Zi was born with Zheng and will die of illness, which means that Yu Ji said, "After I die, Zi will use Zheng and be strict with others.
The husband's fire is strict, so the old man offers to burn; Weak water, many people drowned. The son must be strictly shaped, and there must be no cowardice to drown the son. "
Zheng's prime minister is very ill and dying. He said to him, "After my death, you will be highly valued by Zheng, and a strict system must be implemented. The fire looks terrible, so people are rarely burned. The water looked weak, but many people drowned. You must strictly enforce your criminal law and don't let it succeed. " "Extended data:
Brief introduction of separate production: separate production (? ~ 522 years ago), also known as Gongsunqiao, Zheng's surname is Ji, a famous overseas Chinese, a native of Zheng (Xinzheng, Henan) in the Spring and Autumn Period, a noble of Zheng, the grandson of Zheng Mugong, and the son of Zheng Gongzi Fa ().
Zi chan was the first person to announce the criminal law to the public. He once wrote a book of torture in Ding Zhu, which was called "the book of torture" in history. He was the pioneer of legalism, and was praised as "the first person in the Spring and Autumn Period" by Roy of Qing Dynasty. Zichan was once the ruler of Zheng in the Spring and Autumn Period. Under his rule, Zheng had a tendency to be younger.
His internal affairs reform began with rectifying the land system. First of all, he delineated the land boundaries and determined the land ownership of each family, so as to prevent the nobles from arbitrarily occupying and competing for land. In order to strengthen the control of farmers, farmers are organized in groups of five households and a strict household registration system is established. At the beginning of Zi Chan's administration, the reform measures were also widely reprimanded, but he was unmoved and resolutely implemented.
Since then, the reform has achieved remarkable results, and people generally praised his achievements and even worried that there would be no successors. In the early Spring and Autumn Period, Zheng Zhuanggong and Wu Gong were both outstanding figures. In particular, Zheng Zhuanggong defeated Shanrong in the north and became the backbone of the vassal states in the Central Plains, and was later called "the overlord in the early Spring and Autumn Period".
Duke Zhuang ruled Zheng for 43 years, which made Zheng extremely prosperous. Its territory is south to Oak Town (now Yuzhou City), east to Kaifeng (now Kaifeng), north to Wei and Jin Dynasties, where the Yellow River crisscrosses, and west to Hulao Pass. However, after the death of Zhuang Gong, Zheng quickly fell into civil strife. First, the powerful minister sacrificed the bell to drive away the prince, and suddenly made his son a monarch.
However, Gong Li didn't want to be a puppet, rose up and rebelled, and fled abroad after failure. Since then, he has sought the help of foreign forces and fought with Zheng for many years. After that, Ji Zhong helped the prince to ascend to the throne suddenly. Two years later, the prince was suddenly killed by another powerful minister.
Two monarchs were successively established in Jizhong, but Zheng Ligong, who was in exile, finally fought back, killed the monarchs and successfully restored them. In this way, within twenty years, if Zheng changes hands, the national strength will inevitably weaken.
Since then, Zheng's power is still in the hands of some big families. At this time, the countries of Qi, Jin and Qin Chu became stronger and stronger, and Zheng was at the intersection of firepower.
The hegemony of various countries has caused disasters in the State of A Zheng. In such a stormy day, Zheng's families fought each other for power and interests, which became more and more fierce, making Zheng restless.
The "forefinger movement" incident happened under this background, which also marked that Zheng was caught in the abyss of civil strife and was difficult to solve. The so-called "times make heroes", after more than 150 years of stagnation and decline, sub-products came into being, stepped forward and propped up the crisis.
Characters experience: He showed great foresight when he gave birth to a young man. In (565 BC), his father's son sent an army to attack Cai. The war was a great victory, and the people of Zheng were very happy.
But he pointed out that this would lead to Chu's attack and Jin's counterattack, which would make Zheng, caught in the middle, suffer from the war. Two years later, Gongzifa was killed in a coup caused by aristocratic infighting, and Zheng Jiangong was also kidnapped to Gong Bei.
Zi chan is calm and resourceful. After careful deployment, he led troops to attack Gong Bei, and with the support of the people of China, the accident was quelled. Jia, the newly ruling son, formulated a charter, emphasizing the protection of personal privileges, which caused opposition from aristocratic ministers.
Gong Zijia intends to enforce it, and Zi Chan urges him to burn the alliance book to calm public anger and stabilize the political situation. In the 12th year of Zheng Jiangong, Gong Zijia was finally killed because of autocracy, and his son was named Qing Dynasty and Ren Shaozheng.
In a series of negotiations with Jin, the overlord, he argued and tried his best to safeguard the rights and interests of Zheng. In the eighteenth year of Jian Gong, he attacked Chen with the ruling Sun She. He could pay attention to military discipline and observe traditional etiquette.
Later, while presenting the fruits of victory to the State of Jin, he ignored the censure of the Jin people and forced them to acknowledge Zheng's achievements. Therefore, Zheng Jiangong paid Zi Chan handsomely, but he only accepted the part commensurate with his status.
The following year, in order to comfort, King Kang of Chu led an army to attack Zheng, but Zi Chan insisted on not fighting, and let the Chu army return home with small profits in exchange for long-term peace. Zheng people did this and really contributed to the "military alliance."
In twenty-three years, the minister of Zheng clashed and the ruling Bo was killed. Zi chan is strictly neutral and is respected by most people because of his outstanding talents. Therefore, with the support of the outstanding leader Han Hu, he took office.
Zi chan pays special attention to the strategy of governing the country. On the one hand, he took care of big noble's interests and relied on the majority in unity; On the one hand, resolutely punish those individual nobles who are excessively greedy and violent, and safeguard the prestige of * * * *. He does not destroy rural schools, allows China people to discuss political affairs, and is willing to learn useful advice from them.
However, they think that reforms that are beneficial to the country are forcibly implemented regardless of public opinion opposition. For Jin and Chu bullies, he not only served carefully according to traditional etiquette, but also dared to fight and refute their unreasonable demands.
He declared that "heaven is far away, people are far away, how can you know right and wrong?" He opposed superstition, but admitted that the sudden death of nobles might be a spectre, and he wanted his descendants to be doctors to appease them. Confucius called him a benevolent man, a benevolent man, and was admired by conservative literati. However, he "cast a book of punishment", published a written code, strictly controlled the people's "fierce politics", and created new systems such as "Eye of the Heaven" and "Qiu Fu" which aggravated exploitation to "save the world".
This shows that Zi Chan is a pragmatic politician. Although he tried to maintain the traditional old system, he had to adapt to the changes in the situation and make necessary reforms. Zi chan once pointed out: "it is difficult for people to commit crimes when they are angry, but it is difficult to realize their desires."
4. Is there any ancient prose about being strict with yourself and being lenient with others?
Zi Gong asked, "Who can walk for life without saying a word?" Confucius said, "I forgive you! Don't do to others what you don't want. " (Wei Linggong)
A story about the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period;
At Chu Zhuangwang's farewell ceremony, Chu Zhuang celebrated by drinking with others after the war, and ordered his beloved concubine to pour wine for people. Suddenly, the candle was blown out by the wind, and the darkness was in chaos. Someone took the opportunity to hold the hand of Princess Ai of Chu, but the feather tassel on his helmet was caught by Princess Ai of Chu. When Chu Zhuangwang learned this, he quickly ordered not to light the lamp first, and everyone drank it. Later, the general who was tolerated by Chu Zhuangwang took the lead for Chu Zhuang at the critical moment.
5. On the legal protection of Shang Jun Biography of Historical Records in classical Chinese;
Since Wei Yang is in public use, Yang wants to reform and is afraid that the world will talk about himself. Wei Yang said, "Doubt is nameless, but doubt is useless. And the husband has a master walker, firmly seeing that he is not on earth; Those who are worried about their own knowledge must see that they are proud of the people. A fool is darker than success, and a knower is budding. People can't start with worry, but they can succeed from happiness. On the most virtuous people are not vulgar, and those who achieve great things are not different from the public. It is illegal for a saint to strengthen the country; If you can benefit the people, you can't follow the ceremony. " Filial piety: "Good." Gan Long said, "Otherwise. It is not easy for saints to teach by the people, but those who know will govern without changing the law. Teaching for the people, getting something for nothing; Rule of law, official learning and people's security. Wei Yang said: "What the dragon said is also secular. Ordinary people are content with old customs, while scholars are addicted to hearing and hearing. In this way, it is possible to abide by the law as well as the law. Three generations are treated with different courtesy, and five uncles are treated with different methods. Wise men practice, fools control; Sages are more courteous, and unscrupulous people are arrested. " Du Zhi said: "The benefits are not hundred, and the law remains unchanged; Nothing is easy to do. There is nothing wrong with the ancient law, and there is nothing wrong with manners. Wei Yang said, "If we don't rule the world together, the country will be lawless. Therefore, Tang Wu did not follow the ancient times and became king, and Yan Xia did not die easily. Anti-antiquity is inevitable, but there are not many owners. " Filial piety: "Good." Take Wei Yang as the left elder and make the order of reform.
Why let the people fight and the animal husbandry department sit together. Those who don't sue traitors will be beheaded, those who sue traitors will be rewarded with beheading the enemy, and those who hide traitors will be punished with surrendering the enemy. If there are two or more men among the people, they will be paid twice as much. Those who have military merits will be honored at the rate; Those who fight for personal interests are punished according to their severity. If you work hard in your own career, farming and weaving will bring back a lot of millet and silk. Those who are lazy and poor think they will be rewarded. Imperial clan should have the theory of meritorious military service, not be a family member. In the Ming Dynasty, the official rank and rank were different, the name of Tian Zhai was different, and the clothes of male and female servants were also different. Those who make meritorious deeds show honor, while those who fail are rich without wealth.
The order was given, but it hasn't been given yet, for fear that the people won't believe it. Has been set up in the south gate of the country, and those who can move to the north gate will be given ten gold. People blame it and dare not migrate. Again, "fifty gold for those who can migrate." There is a person who moves to it and needs to pay 50 gold, making it clear that he will not cheat. Order of death
During that year in People's Republic of China (PRC), thousands of people felt inconvenient from the beginning. So the prince broke the law. Wei Yang said, "If the law doesn't work, you should commit it from above." Prince of France. The prince, your heir, cannot be punished. Punish the piety of his son, Fu Gongzi, and insult his teacher Gong. Tomorrow, Qin people are eager for order. After traveling for ten years, Qin Min-Da said that there were no thieves in the mountains, and the family gave others enough money. People brave public war, fear private struggle, and govern villages and towns. At the beginning of Qin Min's speech, those inconvenient people have come to make it convenient. Wei Yang said, "These are all rioters" and moved to the border town. Later, people were afraid to discuss order.
6. The Sixth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee "Decision on Several Important Issues in Building a Harmonious Socialist Society" established "the criminal justice policy of combining leniency with severity", and the Supreme People's Court subsequently made arrangements and requirements for implementing the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity.
In order to fully and accurately understand and implement the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity, the author believes that it is necessary to clarify its accurate connotation and extension on the premise of grasping the background of building a socialist harmonious society and its internal relationship with people-oriented and Scientific Outlook on Development's ruling philosophy. The criminal policy of combining leniency with severity used to refer to the specific judicial guiding principle of "doing the first evil must be done, never asking for help, and receiving awards for meritorious service" when imposing judicial punishment on various criminals.
Today, with the improvement of our legal system, this policy should be based on the constitutive requirements of crimes, statutory and discretionary circumstances stipulated in the criminal law, on the premise of punishing crimes, comprehensively apply light and heavy punishments to punish crimes, reflect the fairness of combining leniency with severity, form universally accepted cognitive rules and social effects in criminal justice, and promote social harmony. The "leniency" of combining leniency with severity refers to leniency, leniency and tolerance.
One is to be light, and the other is to be important. Light is light, which means that minor crimes should be punished lightly.
This is not only the meaning of the principle of balance between crime and punishment, but also the requirement of criminal justice. A heavier punishment means that the circumstances of the crime are heavier, but if the defendant has legal and discretionary circumstances such as confession, surrender or meritorious service, he shall be given a lighter punishment according to law.
The emphasis on lightness reflects the impact of criminal law on criminals. The "strictness" of combining leniency with strictness refers to strictness, strictness and heaviness.
Strict means strict laws, and those who are guilty will be punished. Severe means severe punishment and heavier punishment.
Serious means that judicial activities are carried out according to law, without favoritism. Mr. Chu, a famous professor in Peking University, once summed up four penalty modes: strict but not strict, strict but not strict, wide but not strict, and strict but not strict.
Strict and lax means that the law is tight, but the punishment is not severe; Strict and lax means severe punishment, but lax law; Not strict means that the law is not strict and the punishment is not severe; Strict means strict laws and severe punishment. According to teacher Chu's analysis, the current situation of punishment in China is strict and lax.
Obviously, the goal of combining leniency with severity is strict but not strict, and what is abandoned is strict and not strict. Although the "strictness" of combining leniency with strictness contains both the meaning of "strictness" and the meaning of "strictness", we should emphasize "strictness" in combination with the main problems existing in practice.
In other words, what should be treated as a crime must be treated as a crime, and what should be punished must be punished in accordance with the provisions of the criminal law. Of course, we should not only punish serious crimes according to law, but also "strike hard", that is, give full play to the deterrent power of punishment.
The "relief" of combining leniency with severity has the following three meanings: first, relief, that is, combining leniency with severity. The leniency of punishment is relative, for example, the suspended execution of death penalty is a kind of leniency compared with the immediate execution of death penalty; However, compared with life imprisonment and fixed-term imprisonment, suspension of death is a severe treatment compared with probation.
It is precisely because of the relativity of combining leniency with strictness that leniency should be used to help strictness, that is, leniency should be used to reflect strictness; To be lenient and strict is to be lenient and strict. The second is coordination, that is, combining leniency with severity.
There is a measure of combining leniency with severity, that is, to maintain the balance of combining leniency with severity: leniency should not be boundless; Strict, not harsh. To judge the situation by combining leniency with severity is to adjust the proportion of combining leniency with severity in time according to a certain situation.
First, adapt to the time: according to the public security situation and crime situation in a certain period, determine the severity of punishment. That is, as the ancients said, "the punishment in the world is as light as the weight in the world."
It must be wide when it is wide, and it must be strict when it is strict. Of course, when to be lenient and when to be strict, we need to make a scientific judgment after comprehensively considering various social factors, otherwise it is to combine leniency with strictness.
At the same time, it is impossible to issue proportional punishment. Second, we should adjust measures to local conditions: the formulation of criminal policy should consider the public security situation and crime situation in a specific area, and the severity of punishment should also consider the crime rate in a specific area and the development trend of some crimes.
Crime occurs in a certain area, with the crime place as the center, and its influence tends to decrease gradually. Therefore, in this case, the formulation of criminal policy should be combined with the crime situation in various places, and the severity of punishment is commensurate with the frequency and harm of crime.
Third, we must adapt to crime. For a felony, a heavier punishment should generally be given.
Generally speaking, misdemeanors should be given a lighter punishment. Recidivists, recidivists and fugitives should be severely punished.
Be lenient with occasional and first-time offenders. Especially for juvenile crimes, we should adhere to the principle of "education, probation and salvation" and treat them with maximum leniency and gentleness.
The third is combination. It is appropriate to use punishment according to the specific circumstances of the case. Although there is a difference between leniency and severity, different penalties should be imposed in different periods, different charges and different criminals, but this does not mean leniency but not leniency, and strictness but not leniency.
In fact, there is neither absolute width nor absolute strictness, and the two should be combined. For example, when the policy of "strike hard" is implemented for serious crimes, and severe punishment is the main one, it does not mean that the heaviest and highest statutory punishment is used indiscriminately.
Although some criminals have committed extremely serious crimes, they should be severely punished. However, if there are circumstances such as confession, surrender or meritorious service, the punishment should be lenient at the same time, so that criminals can feel the sympathy of punishment and the justice of law at the same time, so as to plead guilty and obey the law. From the above explanation, we can see that the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity has the following three characteristics: first, the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity is the unity of criminal policy of misdemeanor and criminal policy of felony.
The criminal policy of combining leniency with severity includes two aspects. Now we advocate combining leniency with severity, of course, more emphasis is placed on combining leniency with severity in criminal law, but we can't think that the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity is a criminal policy aimed at misdemeanors, which is only applicable to misdemeanors, or only emphasizes the lenient and lenient treatment of criminals.
7. If the legal system doesn't work, you will commit classical Chinese 1 from the internet. "If the law doesn't work, you will feel guilty from top to bottom." It is a sentence said by Shang Yang, a famous legalist figure in the Warring States Period. Consciousness means that the key to inadequate law enforcement is that some people in the upper class have violated the law, and those who are powerful and privileged in the upper class take the lead in not enforcing the law, breaking the law or even breaking the law.
2. "If the law doesn't work, just commit it from above." To put it simply, the self-generation process of law is very rigorous, and there are strict procedures for the generation and promulgation of law. There must be strict procedures for promulgating the laws that have been promulgated. People who come into contact from the first step of issuance should apply what they have learned, understand it, and have a certain definition one by one, rather than different meanings from person to person. In short, it is. There is a saying that "be strict before being lenient", that is, as long as you act in strict accordance with the law, whether the effect is good or not has nothing to do with you, but the "law" formulated is not feasible, and you have committed a crime from top to bottom.
3 "Law doesn't work, top-down is a crime" is equivalent to the policy of governing the country according to law put forward today.