1. Nothing can resist the time that devours everything. —— Rabindranath Tagore
2. Chastity is an asset born from rich love. —— Rabindranath Tagore
3. Youth is inexperienced and willful. —— Rabindranath Tagore
4. Thoughts feed themselves with their own words and grow. —— Rabindranath Tagore
5. If you love her, let your love surround her like sunshine and give her freedom. —— Rabindranath Tagore
6. The relationship between rest and work is just like the relationship between eyelids and eyes. ——Tagore
7. If love does not allow differences between each other, then why are there differences everywhere in the world. —— Rabindranath Tagore
8. If all errors are shut out, truth will also be shut out. —— Rabindranath Tagore
9. Only the human spirit can defy all limitations, believe in its final success, and shine its searchlight into the dark distance. ——Tagore
10. Life is not limited to the daily actions of human beings in pursuit of their own practical goals, but shows that human beings participate in a cosmic rhythm, which is demonstrated in various ways. its own existence. —— Rabindranath Tagore