1. Only good deeds will bring you reputation, and seeds will grow only if they are sown in the ground.
From: [Persia] Sa'di's "Rose Garden"
Introduction: Sa'di (Sa'di, Moshlefoddin Mosaleh, 1208~1291) whose full name is Sheikh Muslih Din Abdullah Saadi Shiraz was a medieval Persian (now Iran) poet.
2. Although good people are driven by vague impulses, they will always realize the right path.
From: [Germany] Goethe's "Faust"
Introduction: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (August 28, 1749 - March 1832) August 22), born in Frankfurt am Main, a famous German thinker, writer, and scientist. He is the most famous representative of Weimar classicism.
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3. The definition of good is beneficial to mankind.
From: [English] Bacon's "On Goodness"
Introduction: Francis Bacon (Francis Bacon, 1561-1626), 1st Viscount St Alban, United Kingdom Renaissance essayist and philosopher.
4. A kind character may make mistakes, but it will never go too far.
From: [English] Bacon's "On Goodness"
5. Goodness is a general noun, including happiness and the means to obtain happiness. Evil is also a general term that includes pain and the means of causing pain.
From: [English] Godwin's "A Theory of Political Justice"
Introduction: William Godwin (1756-1836), British political scientist and famous writer, born in 1756 , received strict religious education in his early years. His father was a Calvinist missionary, and he himself had devoted himself to religious causes and served as a pastor.