1. Currently buying a house, getting a car loan, handling a credit card, etc. Credit information will prevail. If the personal credit is not good, it will almost be rejected by the bank. When buying a house, commercial loans may lend some interest, but provident fund loans will never pass, so please cherish personal credit.
2. Personal credit records not only affect themselves, but also affect a family. For example, if the husband has a bad credit record, the wife's mortgage loan will also be rejected.
3. Bad personal credit records will also affect daily travel and accommodation.
Second, what should I do if my personal credit record is bad?
1. For the bad stains, pay off the debts quickly, and don't let the bad stains become your heavy burden.
2. Face it positively, find out the reasons and solve the problems. As mentioned above, taking personal credit records as personal assets will attract enough attention in future economic activities.
3, especially in daily life, develop a good habit of standardizing the use of credit cards, repay them regularly every month, and automatically repay them with cards if conditions permit, with a good record. The bank staff will give full consideration to your new loan application.
Three, the validity period of personal credit records
1. When China's credit system was just established, personal credit records were claimed to be valid for life. This is undoubtedly the death penalty for those who have made mistakes, and there is no chance at all. Later, the credit information system was not continuously improved, and the five-year shelf life was determined.
2. However, when handling credit cards, many banks check the credit records of the last two years, so you can get the credit card two years after you settle the last overdue payment.
Fourth, the principle of avoiding bad personal credit records.
When using a credit card, personal credit is affected by breach of contract, resulting in a credit stain, which cannot be recovered by returning the card. It will only make the bank identify it as "malicious overdraft" in the future, and this negative record will be retained for a long time. In housing mortgage loan, if there is overdue repayment, the number of times will be accumulated, and this record will not be eliminated until the loan is paid off. When handling credit cards, the bank has a contract with the customer, so the customer is bound by the contract law. No matter whether the repayment is not timely due to subjective will or overdue due to objective reasons, commercial banks and the Credit Information Center of the People's Bank of China have no responsibility to coordinate or change this information. As a customer, we should try our best to fulfill our responsibilities according to the contract.
Personal credit records have a great influence in life. If the credit is good, we will use policies in many aspects of loans, and those with bad credit will be rejected. Therefore, we should manage our personal credit information.