Very strong.
Kyle Crane, height: 1.85cm, weight: 88kg, nationality: American, identity: former GRE (World Rescue Organization) agent
Mission performed: in Harlan City Intercepting a document stolen by the defected agent (Qadeer Suleiman)
Reason for defection: During the mission, he was unable to bear the unbearable GRE's unscrupulous use of viruses to make weapons for the "virus". An inhumane thing. So he decided to give up the mission and focus on saving the city of Harlan.
Status: dead or infected
Early experience: Very little is known about Crane. All that is known is that he is from Chicago, Illinois. He ran track in high school and may have had experience in the military. After the outbreak, he was hired by World Relief and trained to accomplish goals in the city of Harran.