If you appoint virtuous people, you will be governed; if you appoint people with disdain, you will be in chaos. This is the inevitable way. Those who are good at managing wealth will take care of what
If you appoint virtuous people, you will be governed; if you appoint people with disdain, you will be in chaos. This is the inevitable way. Those who are good at managing wealth will take care of what comes from it and collect what is left of it, so that it can be used inexhaustibly and the upper and lower levels can make enough use of it. If a villain has too many desires, he will ruin his family and lose his life. If you are not confused about small things, you are capable, and if you are not confused about big things, you are talented. Believers are the great treasure of the king. It is the fault of an adopted son who fails to teach his father, and it is the fault of a teacher who is not strict in his discipline. The same cannot be said for having virtuous people and being without virtuous people. If you blame them for their difficulties, then those who are easy will be correct without having to work; if you make up for their shortcomings, then those who are good will succeed without having to work hard. A promise made by a husband is not easy to make. A correct mind is the foundation, and self-cultivation is the foundation. Government is based on gaining the virtuous, and governance is based on removing filth. Be generous and prudent, and don't hold back when you commit a crime. There is honey in the mouth and a sword in the belly. Thick coins and sweet words are what people fear. Talents should not be promoted from the clan, and methods should not be used harshly by the powerful. Therefore, using methods will not help the service, and traitors will not be punished. Endure small wrath and keep great faith. The past is not far away, I belong to the teacher. Pride and luxury are born from wealth, and chaos is born from neglect. A gentleman who has many desires will covet wealth and honor, and will bring disaster in vain; a villain who has many desires will seek excessive uses and will ruin his family and his life. A scholar is more valuable than doing something, not knowing it. People cannot ask for preparations, they must give up their shortcomings and take advantage of their strengths. The achievements of heaven and earth cannot be rushed, and the hard work must be carried out by the sun and the moon. Don't forget the acquaintances of the poor and the lowly, and the wife of the poor will not leave the court. Ping then Qing, Qing then Ming. It is better to befriend a fool than to win a villain. Employ people like tools, and everyone should use their strengths. If you like "Sima Guang's Quotes", remember to share it with more friends!