On the famous sayings of Mencius and Confucius
Confucius said: Confucius said: "Learning from time to time is not as good as learning from time to time, is it?" Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Ignorance and dissatisfaction are not gentlemen? "Confucius said," Isn't it pleasant to review exercises often after learning? "Have friends come from afar, joy? I am not disgusted or angry that others don't understand my theory. Am I not also a virtuous gentleman? " 2. Confucius said, "Clever words are rare." Confucius said, "There are few benevolent people who are clever in speaking and smiling." 3. Ceng Zi said, "I visit my body three times a day and I am unfaithful." Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? Ceng Zi said: "I have to reflect on myself many times every day: Is it loyal to give advice and help others? Are friends trustworthy? Have you reviewed the knowledge taught by the teacher? Confucius said: "A gentleman is eager to learn, because he doesn't want to eat enough and live in peace. He is sensitive and cautious, so he has a good reason. Confucius said: "A gentleman is eager to learn because he doesn't want to eat enough, but he doesn't want to live a comfortable life. He is very sensitive and always corrects his mistakes. "5. Confucius said," If you don't suffer from ignorance, you will suffer from ignorance. I'm afraid I don't know anyone else. "6. Confucius said," There are 300 poems. In a word, it says,' Do no evil'. " Confucius said: "The Book of Songs has 300 poems (05), which can be summed up in one sentence, that is,' do no evil'. "7. Confucius said," When you stand at thirty, you are sure of everything you say and do. Forty years old, (mastered all kinds of knowledge,) not confused; At the age of fifty, I learned my fate; At the age of 60, when you listen to others, you can distinguish between true and false and judge right and wrong; At the age of 70, a person will do whatever he wants, and any idea will not go beyond the rules. "8. Confucius said:" Reviewing the past and learning new things can be a teacher. Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning new things can be a teacher." . 9. Confucius said, "A gentleman cannot compare with others, and a villain cannot compare with others. "Thinking without reading is nothing." 1 1, Confucius said, "You can teach your daughter what to know! What you know is what you know and what you don't know is what you know. " Confucius said, "Zhong You, teach you the attitude of knowing and not knowing! What you know is what you know and what you don't know is what you don't know. This attitude is wise. " 12, Confucius said: "People don't believe it, but they don't know what they can do." Confucius said, "What can people do without credibility? 13, Confucius said to Ji: "The court dance can be tolerated, why not?" Confucius said Ji: "He danced in his ancestral temple with the dance lineup of the Emperor of Heaven. Such a thing can be tolerated, but what can't be tolerated? "14, Confucius said:" Guanluo ",happy without lewdness, sad without injury." Confucius said: "The theme of Guan Ju is to be happy but not too much, sad but not sad." 15, Confucius said, "If you don't talk, you won't give advice." Let bygones be bygones. Confucius said, "Listen in the morning and die at night. Confucius said: "If you understand the truth in the morning, it is worthwhile to die at night. Confucius said, "A gentleman is righteous, but a villain is profitable." . Confucius said, "A gentleman knows righteousness, but a villain knows self-interest. "When you meet immoral people, you should reflect on yourself." 19, Confucius said: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, nor can the wall of dung be carved. What is the punishment? " Confucius said, "You can't carve rotten wood, and you can't draw a wall of dirt. What can I do with it? " 20. Confucius said, "Being quick and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions, is called' Wen'." Confucius said, "I am quick and eager to learn, and I don't feel humiliated when I ask people who are less knowledgeable than myself, so I call it' Wen'." 2 1, Ji Wenzi thinks twice before you act. Zi Wenzhi said, "Here we go again. Confucius said: "Ning my son, if the country is too secure, it will be wise, and if the country is chaotic, it will be foolish. His cleverness can catch up with others, but his stupidity can't. "23. Confucius said:" Literature is better than wild, literature is better than history, it is gentleness, and then it is a gentleman. Confucius said, "A person's inner nature. Is a gentleman. " 24. Confucius said: "Knowing is not as good as being kind, and being kind is not as good as being happy. "Confucius said," It is better to love learning than to know it, and it is better to enjoy learning than to like it. " 25. Confucius said: "Wise people enjoy water, and benevolent people enjoy Leshan; Wise people move, benevolent people are quiet; Confucius said, "Wise people like water, while benevolent people like mountains; Smart people are active, kind people are quiet; Wise people are happy, and kind people live long. " 26. Confucius said, "I study silently and never tire of learning and never tire of teaching. Why not?" Confucius said: "rote memorization of knowledge is not enough for reading;" I don't feel tired when teaching. What have I done in these three aspects? "27. Confucius said," Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry. "Confucius said," Don't enlighten me until I feel speechless. If I can't give an example to understand three similar problems, don't teach him any more. "28. I smell Shao Zaiqi, but I don't know the meat in March. He said, "I don't want to be happy." Confucius listened to Shao Yue in Qi, but he didn't feel the taste of meat for a long time. He said, "I didn't expect good music to be like this." Lord Ye asked Lutz what kind of Confucius was, but Lutz didn't answer. Confucius said, "Why not say that he forgot to eat when he was angry, forgot to worry when he was happy, and didn't even know he was old, that's all." Confucius said, "In a threesome, there must be a teacher. Choose good and follow it, and change it if it is evil. " Someone must be my teacher. Choose his strengths and learn from his weaknesses to correct yourself. "3 1, Confucius taught four things: writing, action, loyalty and faith. 32. Confucius said: "A gentleman has a broad mind. "When people are dying, their words are very good." Ceng Zi said: "When birds are dying, their songs are very sad;" When people are dying, they speak very kindly. " 34. Zeng Zi said, "A scholar has to be faithless and has a long way to go. Isn't benevolent important? Isn't it far after death? " Ceng Zi said: "A scholar can't be strong and unyielding, because he has a heavy responsibility and a long way to go. Isn't it important to realize benevolence as your own responsibility? " Isn't it a long way to fight for life and die? "Confucius said," If you are not in that position, don't seek politics. "Confucius said," If you are not in that position, don't think about things in that position. Confucius said: "Young people are worthy of awe. How can we know that the next generation is not as good as the last generation? Confucius said, "The three armies can seize the commander-in-chief, but ordinary men can't seize the ambition. Confucius said, "The three armies can seize the commander-in-chief, but ordinary men cannot seize the ambition. Confucius said, "The wise are not confused, the benevolent are not worried, and the brave are not afraid. Confucius said: "Only in the cold season will the pine and cypress finally wither. "Confucius said," the beauty of a gentleman as an adult is not evil, and a villain is evil. Confucius said: "A gentleman helps people to succeed, but does not push people into failure. The villain is the opposite. " 4 1 and Zigong asked. Confucius said, "I forgive you! Do as you would be done by. "Zi Gong asked Confucius," Is there a sentence that you can practice all your life? Confucius said, "This is forgiveness." Don't impose what you can't do on others. "42. Xia Zi said," Being an official is the best way to learn, and learning is the best way to be an official. " Xia Zi said, "Learn to be an official when you have time, and be an official if you can learn well." Mencius said, "You can't be an official without rules. "Degree, then know the length. (Weigh and then know the weight; Only by measuring can we know the length. ) People can do one thing without doing it. Only by doing nothing can people make a difference. Although there are long things in the world, they can't grow if they are cold for ten days a day. Even if there is a plant that is the easiest to grow, it can't grow if it is frozen for ten days. ) those sharp ones, it can't be any longer. You can't do it without thinking. The organ of the heart is thinking, and you can get it without thinking. ) Born in sorrow, died in happiness. Sadness is enough to make life, and ease and happiness are enough to make people die. Only the benevolent should be in high positions. Being unkind and in a high position is to spread its evil to the public. Only virtuous people should be in the leading position. If the immoral people with low morality are in the dominant position, the princes are heartless and do not protect the country; Doctor Qing is ruthless and does not protect the ancestral temple; Scholar Shu Ren is heartless and heartless. (The son of heaven is not kind and does not protect the world; If the princes are unkind, they will lose their country; Qing and the doctor can't be good, so they can't keep his ancestral temple; Ordinary people can't keep their health if they can't be kind. ) The benevolent is invincible. The benevolent is invincible in the world. ) gentle people are ruthless; Junyi, all righteousness; There is nothing wrong with a just monarch. Monarchism, no one is unjust; The monarch is right and no one is wrong. People worry about their worries, and people worry about their worries. (Those who take the pleasure of the people as their own pleasure, the people will take the pleasure of the monarch as their own pleasure; Those who take the worries of the people as their own worries, the people will also take the worries of the monarch as their own worries. You can't have your cake and eat it, but you can replace fish with bear's paw. Life is as I wish, and righteousness is as I wish. You can't have your cake and eat it, and those who sacrifice their lives for righteousness are old, and people are old; Young people are young, and young people are young. Those who gain the Tao help more, while those who lose the Tao help less. When there is less help, relatives can help more and the world will be smooth. Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are outmatched by terrestrial advantages, which in turn are outmatched by the harmony among people. It is unkind to kill an innocent person, and it is unfair to take it away from him. It is heartless to kill an innocent person; It's unfair to take it over when you don't own it. ) the sage is in power, and the almighty is in power. (Make virtuous people occupy a considerable official position, and talented people occupy a certain position. ) Zunxian enabled Jie Jun to reign. People who respect morality use capable people, and excellent people have official positions. ) the people are the most important, the country is the second, and the monarch is the most important. ) the family will destroy itself, and then people will be destroyed; The country will cut itself, and then the people will cut themselves. A man will insult himself before others insult him; A family must have its own self-destructive factors to be destroyed by others, and a country must have its own punishment reasons to be punished by others. ) No disaster or happiness is what you seek. There is no disaster or happiness that you didn't find yourself. A gentleman doesn't complain about heaven or people. A gentleman doesn't complain about heaven or people. ) Wealth cannot be lewd, poverty cannot be moved, and power cannot be bent. This is called a gentleman. Self-destructive person. Self-abandonment should not be accompanied by success. A person who hurts himself can't talk to him about something valuable; People who give up on themselves (people who are extremely irresponsible to themselves) can't make valuable careers with them. It is better to cultivate their minds than to be insatiable. The best way to cultivate their minds is to reduce their material desires. Therefore, people will come down from the sky, so we must first suffer from their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their minds and mess with their actions, so we will be patient and have benefited from what we can't do. Those respectful people. People who respect others will always respect others. People who love others will be loved by others; People who respect others will be respected by others. ) They don't depend on age, status or wealth. A wise man makes people shine with his brilliance, but now he makes people shine with his fatuity. A wise man must understand it before others understand it. Now people are still confused, but insist on making people understand. ) men dig wells, digging wells is not as good as digging springs, but they still waste wells. Doing one thing is like digging a well. If you dig a well six or seven feet deep and still can't see the spring, it is still an abandoned well. A gentleman has three pleasures, but a king is not on earth. When parents are here, brothers are happy for no reason. Yang is worthy of the sky, regardless of people, but also happy; Educating the world's talents, three pleasures. A gentleman has three pleasures, but serving the world with virtue is not one of them. Parents are healthy and brothers are safe, which is the first pleasure; Looking up is worthy of the sky, bowing down is worthy of people, which is the second kind of fun; It's three pleasures to be educated by talents in the world. If you are not ashamed, who will be ashamed? Don't be ashamed of not being able to catch up with others. How can I catch up with others? Liezi: the dead sheep on the main road are killed by many people.