The journey of a gentleman is to cultivate one’s character through tranquility, and to cultivate virtue through frugality. If it is not indifferent, it will not clear its aspirations, and if it is not tranquil, it will not reach far. It means that as a gentleman, you should cultivate yourself without being influenced by the outside world and cultivate your own character through frugality. If you don't take an indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune, you can't keep your ambitions pure. If you don't eliminate external interference, you can't make progress and achieve lofty goals. It comes from "The Book of Commandments" written by Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period.
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The journey of a husband and a gentleman is to cultivate one’s moral character through tranquility and cultivate one’s virtue through frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no far-reaching goal. Learning requires tranquility, and talent requires learning. Without learning, there is no way to expand talents, and without ambition, there is no way to achieve learning. If you are arrogant and slow, you will not be able to stimulate your essence, and if you are dangerous and impetuous, you will not be able to cultivate your nature. Years go by with the times, thoughts go with the sun, and then they become withered, and they are not able to take on the world. They stay in the poor house with sorrow, what will happen again!
People with moral cultivation , they use quiet reflection to perfect themselves, and use frugality to save money to cultivate their noble character. If they are not heartless and reticent, they cannot make their ambitions clear and firm. If they are not stable and quiet, they cannot work hard for a long time and realize their lofty ideals. To know true knowledge, we must make our body and mind study and explore in tranquility. People's talents are accumulated from continuous learning. Without learning, it is difficult to increase talents, and without determination, it is difficult to achieve success in learning.
Indulgence and debauchery, negativity and neglect cannot inspire the mind and spirit; careless adventure, impatience and restlessness cannot cultivate the temperament and make moral conduct noble. Years go by with time, and will wears away with time, and eventually it will age like a dead branch and a leaf. Such people will not be beneficial to society and be used by society. They will only be sadly trapped in their own poor family and ruins. By then it will be too late to regret it.
This "Book of Commandments" not only explains the ways and methods of self-cultivation, but also points out the relationship between determination and learning; it not only explains the importance of tranquility and indifference, It also points out the dangers of indulgence, indolence, extreme impatience. Zhuge Liang not only had strict requirements on his sons in terms of general principles and was persuasive, but he also showed his subtle care for his children in some specific matters.
In this "Book of Commandments", there is the power of tranquility: "quietness is to cultivate one's morality", "without tranquility, there is no way to go far"; there is the power of frugality: "frugality is to cultivate virtue"; there is detachment The power of inspiration: "Without learning, there is no way to develop one's ambitions"; The power of being eager to learn: "To learn, one must be quiet, and to be talented, one must learn"; The power of inspiration: "Without learning, one cannot broaden one's talents, and without one's ambition, one cannot achieve learning"; There is the power of speed: "If you are too slow, you will not be able to inspire your energy"; there is the power of character: "You cannot cure your nature if you are impetuous"; there is the power of cherishing time: "The years keep pace with the times, and the thoughts will go with the years"; there is the power of imagination : "Then it becomes withered, and many people do not take on the world. They stay in the poor house with sorrow, and what will happen again?"; It has the power of simplicity.
The message conveyed by this article in just a few words is much more effective than a long article.
Introduction to the author
Zhuge Liang (181-October 8, 234), courtesy name Kongming, nickname Wolong (also known as Fulong), Han nationality, Yangdu, Langya, Xuzhou (now Shandong) A native of Yinan County, Linyi City, he was the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period. He was an outstanding politician, strategist, essayist, calligrapher, and inventor. He was named Wuxiang Marquis when he was alive, and Zhongwu Marquis after his death. The Eastern Jin Dynasty regime named him Wuxing King because of his military talents.
His representative works of prose include "Chu Shi Biao", "Book of Commandments", etc. He invented the wooden cow and flowing horse, the Kongming lantern, etc., and modified the repeating crossbow, called the Zhuge repeating crossbow, which can fire ten arrows with one crossbow. He died in Wuzhangyuan (now Qishan, Baoji) in the 12th year of Jianxing (234).
Liu Chan gave him the posthumous title of Zhongwuhou, so later generations often addressed him as Wuhou and Zhuge Wuhou