Famous sayings about Confucius’ politics
1. When you go out, you feel like seeing a distinguished guest, and the people feel like receiving a great sacrifice.
2. If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Those who live in this country, serve its officials as wise people, and make friends with its scholars as benevolent people.
3. If you are good at etiquette, the people will not dare to be disrespectful; if you are good at righteousness, the people will not dare to be disobedient; if you are good at trust, then the people will not dare to be unkind.
4. Knowing and benevolence cannot keep it. Even if you gain it, you will lose it. If you know it well, you can protect it with benevolence. If you don't show it, the people will not respect it. If you know it, you can guard it with benevolence, and you can handle it with care, but if you don't move it with courtesy, it's not good.
5. How to make people respect, be loyal and persuade them? Confucius said: "If you approach someone with dignity, you will be respectful. If you are filial and kind, you will be loyal. If you do something good but cannot teach it, then encourage it."
6. If his body is upright, he will not do it if he is not told; if his body is not upright, even if he does not Disobey orders.
7. Zilu asked Mr. Shi. Zi Ri: "Don't bully, but offend."
8. Killing without teaching is called cruelty; failing to discipline is called violence; being slow to follow orders is called a thief; still treating others Also, the stinginess of the cashier is called having a secretary.
9. If the people are enough, who is the king? If the people are not enough, which king will be enough?
10. A gentleman’s behavior is based on etiquette. To give, take the thickest; to do things, to lift them; to collect, take the thinnest.
11. If you keep yourself in good shape, what’s the point of being in politics? If you can't rectify yourself, how can you rectify others?
12. To govern with virtue is like Beichen, who lives in his place and is surrounded by stars.
13. If you raise the straight and mistake the false, the people will obey; if you raise the straight and false, the people will not obey.
14. The king and his ministers should be polite. Ministers serve the king with loyalty.
15. A king benefits without wasting money, works without complaining, desires without being greedy, is peaceful without being arrogant, is powerful without being fierce. ... If we benefit the people because they are in their best interests, isn’t this also benefiting them without any expense? If you choose something you can do and work hard, who will complain? If you desire benevolence and gain benevolence, how can you be greedy? A gentleman has no crowd, no big or small, and no arrogance. Isn't this peaceful and not arrogant? When a gentleman straightens his clothes and looks at him with respect, he makes people look at him and fear him. Isn't this powerful but not fierce?
16. A country with a thousand chariots, respecting things and being trustworthy, being frugal and loving others, so that the people can take care of themselves.
17. The descendants do not seek Xia, the barbarians do not disrupt China, the captives do not join the alliance, and the soldiers do not force the enemy to do well.
18. First there is the Secretary, who forgives minor offenses and promotes talented people.
19. Why should I kill someone when I am in charge of government? The son wants to be good and the people will be good. The virtue of a gentleman is like the grass of a villain, and the wind on the grass will die.
20. Politicians are upright, and commanders are upright. Who dares to be unjust?
21. Being on top is not generous, being polite is disrespectful, and being in mourning is not mourning, how can I observe it!
22. Tao is governed by politics, and punishment is used in order, so that the people can avoid it without being shameful;
23. Not teaching the people to fight is to abandon them.
24. Civil and military policies are based on strategic policies. As long as the person survives, the government will flourish; if the person dies, the government will cease. ....So government depends on people.
25. Be careful in your end, pursue your goals, and the people’s morality will be strong.