In love, men are accustomed to rational guiding activities, while women are easily emotional. Therefore, in the relationship between men and women, women are often in a passive position. The Book of Songs says, "If you are a woman, you have nothing to worry about!" Because the anxiety of scholars can still be said, the anxiety of women can't be said! Compared with women, men are easier to pick up and put down. When they are tired of a relationship, they can pull away quickly. Women, on the other hand, are mostly indecisive, and it is most difficult to give up a lover and a fruitless love. For women, lovelorn is a terminal illness, and there is little chance of survival. Women are willing to be affectionate and rot in love.
Once a woman moves her heart, she will give everything without reservation. Love and trust are passed on to the lover you identify. Women in love have lost their minds. They no longer think and calculate with their brains, but love with the simplest and hottest hearts. They only have men they love in their eyes and hearts.
? It is said that women can't live without old love, and men can't resist new love. So in a relationship, men are more likely to leave and start a new relationship. Women are not. Most women choose to leave not because they have a new love, but because they have too many disappointments and completely lose confidence in love. Just as the leaves leave not because of the call of the wind, but because the trees don't care. Once a woman chooses to leave, she is really desperate.
Women like fantasy. They sometimes live in fairy tales carefully woven by themselves and escape from the reality they don't want to accept. Maybe the people they love don't love them, but they just tell themselves, "He loves me", make thousands of excuses for their mistakes, then choose the one that looks the most real, and then firmly believe it. They never care about the ridicule and incomprehension of onlookers, but they are paying their humble love without hesitation.
Women should not be accessories to men. I have met many spoony women who have paid everything for love, but in the end they have not got any return, but they have become flustered. I think as a woman, you should learn to love yourself. When you can't control yourself in love, you must pour yourself a pot of cold water in time to keep yourself awake. When a person wants to leave, he should learn to let go. Grievances may not be perfect. To let people who don't love themselves leave is not only to let others go, but also to let themselves go.
? I am a girl, so I don't have to worry about it. Affectionate people rot. When you walked towards him, you wanted to reap a spring breeze, but he gave you the whole winter. Dear, you can love someone with your heart, but don't give your feelings to the wrong person.