2. The origin of this two-part allegorical saying is said to be this: It is said that when Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty visited Hangzhou, he went to Wu Shan incognito one day. Because of the bad weather, he was soaked to the skin and had no choice but to ask mountaineer Wang Xiaoer for help. Despite his poor family background, Wang Xiaoer generously used the only tofu, fish head and spinach at home to make spinach tofu and fish head tofu to entertain uninvited guests. Ganlong felt delicious after eating it. When he returned to Beijing, he asked the chef to cook it, but he didn't think it was the taste. When Gan Long visited Hangzhou again, he sent someone to Wang Xiaoer, and Wang Xiaoer, who was down and out, told the truth about his dilemma of "getting worse every year". In return for a meal in Wang Xiaoer, Ganlong presented gold and silver to Wang Xiaoer for opening a shop and wrote an inscription "Huang Faner" for the shop. With the "fish head tofu" that Emperor Qianlong loved to eat, the business in the store was booming, and the dilemma that "Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year is getting worse every year" has become history.
3. In Bright Sword, Li Yunlong told Zhao Gang that Wang Xiaoer celebrated the New Year to express his predicament.