It is not physical strength or money that makes people happy, but justice and versatility. -democritus
Everyone knows that immortals are good, but money can't forget them. -a dream of red mansions
a wise man is willing to give up money to save his life. -Aesop
Money is like fertilizer. It is useless unless it is scattered in the fields. -F. Bacon
Money is a good soldier, and with it, one can be full of courage. -Shakespeare
It is sad to have no money, but it is even sadder to have more money. -Tolstoy
If you know how to use it, money is a good slave; if you don't know how to use it, it becomes your master. -Mark Twain
Using time is like using money. If you know how to use money, you should know how to use it. -Liu Yong
Money can never conquer people, and culture has the power to conquer. -Li Yimin
Having the ability to control money means having money. -Cao Qitai
Money is precious, but the price of honor is higher-Publius Yunus.