1. The universe is round (life is cyclical).
2. We are one. (Note: There is nothing but you.)
3. Everything is enough. (Note: Sufficiency is the natural law of things; you can get any experience you want at any time.)
4. There is nothing we must do. (Note: "Need" is the greatest illusion; the only question is, what makes you happiest.)
5. Do everything for one reason: to show the universe "who you are." (Note: "Yes" determines "do" and "have".)
6. The central question of any decision is: "What will love do now?". (Note: Love is everything, even fear is a derivative of love.)
7. The real power comes from "caring without caring". (Note: Before you can have everything, you must be willing to lose everything.)
8. Knowledge comes before experience. (Note: Knowledge does not come with experience.)
9. Everything starts from the level of belief. (Note: You can see it if you believe it.)
10. There is no such thing as "right" or "wrong". (Note: There is no "right" way to do anything, only your way of doing it.)
11. Awareness is everything, not just a part of it. (Note: Rely on your awareness, not your thoughts; everything in life is meditation, in which you observe divinity.)
12. Feeling is reality. (Note: How do you feel about all this? That’s what really matters.)
13. All people are special and all moments are golden. (Note: Everyone is a great person in their own way.)
14. You have always existed, exist now, and will always exist. (Note: You are everywhere and always.)
15. The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation.
16. Failure is an illusion. (Note: From another perspective, all disappointments are your advantages.)
17. There is perfection in everything. (Note: Don’t need anything. Don’t desire anything. Choose whatever is presented to you.)
18. Gratitude is the fastest way to heal. (Note: Gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative force in the universe.)
19. Wisdom is learning what to ignore. (Note: You already know all of this, all learning is remembering.)
20. Everything you think you need, you already have. (Note: You always get what you create, you always create.)
21. Everything is just a matter of perspective. (Note: What you see from it is what you get from it; everything is just a matter of "choice" of perspective.)
22. "Why?" is the most useless question in the world. (Note: The only meaningful question is "What?".)
23. Life is about creating the highest quality of giving, not the highest quality of receiving. (Note: Everything you think you need, you already have. Whatever you give, you become it; the more you let others have it, the more you have without any effort; get something The fastest way is to let others get it, and the fastest way to learn something is to teach others; you can't "lose" anything you give out)
24. You have nothing to lose. Losing, except for the chance of winning. (Note: If you feel you have won something, then you have lost; if you feel you have nothing to lose, then you have won.)
25. Ordinary is not natural, extraordinary is nature.
26. The ideal state is to not be busy with anything. (Note: Ask yourself, how important will this be when I'm 85? If you think it will be important then, make it important now.
27. All endings will allow better things to begin. (Note: This is not the end, but the beginning.)
28. The only constant in the world is that "everything is changing." (Note: Everything is moving.)
29. Trust is more effective than change. (Note: Life has its own solutions; all you have to do is trust life to work perfectly and allow it to do so; perhaps the best thing you can do at this moment is - do nothing ;Take the time to wait and see, that may be all you need)
30. You don’t need anything from anyone. (Note: You don’t have to “prove yourself” to anyone; you still belong to others as long as you worry about what others think of you; you can only belong to yourself when you no longer ask for external admiration.)
31. Treat everything as an opportunity. (Note: No matter what happens, life will bring benefits to you; nothing happens that is not for your highest good; when you encounter setbacks, you turn to gratitude.)
32. We have nothing to fear, except fear itself. (Note: Nothing is scary, except your thoughts that make it scary.)
33. The supernatural is nature that has not yet been understood.
34. The best argument is not to argue.
35. Life is always fair – it just doesn’t seem so sometimes.
36. Nothing can happen against your will. (Note: Everything is done by everyone for himself, even death; nothing happens that you don’t want to happen; there are no accidents in the universe.)
37. All things happen both in sequence and at the same time.
38. Truth is truth, which cannot be proven or denied.
39. You cannot change anything you have not accepted. (Note: Accepting something gives you control over it; whatever you deny, you cannot control, because you are saying it is not there; therefore, whatever you deny, controls you.)
40. "Sleep" is the soul leaving the body. (Note: People with great wisdom only need a small amount of sleep.)