Sun Fu, courtesy name Boye, was from Haizhou. He ascended to the rank of Jinshi, and studied Ci and Maoke. He was the secretary of provincial Zhengzi, the school secretary, the supervisory censor, and the official of the Ministry of Rites. At that time, Cai Hui was the minister, and Fu Wei spoke about the affairs of the world and advised him to do something urgently, otherwise he would be defeated. Cannot be used. He was moved to the post of Secretary and Shaojian, and then moved to Zhongshu Sheren.
At the end of the Xuanhe period, Goryeo paid tribute, and when the envoys passed by, they regulated their husbands and boats, which was very troublesome and annoying. Fu Yan said: "Taking the power of the people to hinder agricultural achievements will not benefit China at all." The prime minister said that his views were the same as those of Su Shi, and he demoted Qizhou and resettled them. During the meeting, Xu Han thought that even though Fu Lunyi accidentally got along with Shi, he wanted to kill him, so he blamed him for his fault based on his position, so Han also gave up. In the first year of Jingkang, he was called to serve as Minister of War. In the previous chapter, he begged for restoration of the ancestral laws. Qin Zong asked about it, and Fu said: "The ancestral laws benefit the people, the Xi and Feng laws benefit the country, and the Chong and Kuan laws benefit the traitors." It was a famous saying at that time. In November, he paid homage to Shangshu Youcheng and changed his position to Tongzhi Privy Council.
The Jin people surrounded the capital, and Fu personally served as the target day and night. Reading Qiu Jun's "Poetry of Feelings", there are words like "Guo Jing, Yang Shi and Liu Wuji". He found Wuji among the people in the city and the capital among the dragon guards. The good guy said that Jing could use the Liujia method, which could capture two generals alive and wipe them out. This method requires 7,777 people. The imperial court was convinced, and appointed officials and gave tens of thousands of gold and silk to recruit soldiers by themselves, regardless of their skills, but only those who were of the same age and life as Liujia. All the income is earned by wandering in the market, and it is enough in ten days. Some military ministers wanted to be favored, but the capital refused to allow it, saying: "Although you are brave, you will die in the first month of next year. I am afraid it will be a burden to me." This is the same absurdity. The enemy's attack became more and more urgent, and Jing chatted and laughed freely, saying: "Send three hundred troops on a selected day, which will bring peace, and the attack will stop at Yinshan Mountain." Fu and He Li Youzhi believed in him and treated him wholeheartedly. Or he wrote to Fu and said: "Since ancient times, I have never heard of anyone who has succeeded in this way. I may have heard that I believe in the military. Once I have achieved a certain level of merit, I will take a little promotion. If I am entrusted too much now, I am afraid that it will be an embarrassment to the country." Fu He said angrily: "Beijing was born for the time, and the enemy is trivial and ignorant. Fortunately for you and Fu Yan, if you accuse others, you will be punished by Jushi." He bowed and used it. There are also those called "Six Dinglishi", "Tianguan General", and "Beidou Divine Soldier". Most of them follow what the capital does, and those who know it are in danger. Jing said: "Unless it is extremely critical, my teacher will not leave." Li Shu was interested in it. He moved again and again, and then he left the Xuanhua Gate. Those who were on guard at Pi went down to the city, and there was no chance of stealing. Jing and Uncle Zhang were sitting on the tower at night. The Jin soldiers divided themselves into four wings and advanced noisily. The Beijing soldiers were defeated and fell into the Hulong River. They were full of corpses and the city gate was closed urgently. When Bai Shuye came to Beijing, he said: "You must do it yourself." As he went down to the city, he led the rest of the people to flee south. On that day, the Jin people came to the city.
In the first month of the second year, Emperor Qinzong went to Jinshuaiying, and Fu assisted the prince and stayed behind, still serving as the young master. The emperor refused to return for ten days, so Fu repeatedly sent letters to invite him. When the imperial edict was abolished, Fu Da mourned and said: "I only know that my king can rule China. If you try to create a different surname, I will die." The Jin people came to ask for the crown prince, the emperor and the queen, the kings and concubines, but Fu left the crown prince and refused to send him. . Among the people who conspired to hide, the two eunuchs killed him, beheaded dozens of prisoners on death row, and sent them off with their heads. The Fingjin people said: "The eunuchs wanted to steal the prince, but they all fought to kill him and accidentally injured the prince. Because The commander-in-chief will punish the rebels and sacrifice them. If they persist, they will be killed. "After five days, no one is willing to accept his actions. Fu said: "I am the prince Fu, and I should live and die together. Although the Jin people don't ask me, I should go with them. I want to see the two chiefs to punish him, and I may be able to help you." Fu lived in Zhihuang City Division, and his son came Province, scolded him and said: "I told you not to come, but here comes evil! I have divided the country into dead countries, what is the use of you coming for hundreds of generations!" He waved his orders and left quickly. The prince also wept and said, "Your Majesty has taken advantage of the country with his body, what can I say to you?" So he asked Wang Shiyong to stay behind and left the prince. When they arrived at the Nanxun Gate, Fan Tie tried his best to stop it, but the gatekeeper Jin said: "Why do you want the prince to stay behind?" Fu said: "I, the minister of the Song Dynasty, and the prince Fu, should die." It was evening, Suzhou Under the door, tomorrow, the golden man will call him away. In February next year, he died in Shuoting. In Shaoxing, he was given as a gift to the third division of Kaifu Yitong, with the posthumous title of Zhongding.
In the 2015 College Entrance Examination, Volume I of the new National Chinese Language Curriculum examined this character in classical Chinese. Sun Fu, courtesy name Boye, was from Haizhou. He passed the Jinshi examination and was appointed as a foreign minister of the Ministry of Rites. At that time, Cai Chen was appointed as the minister, and Sun Fu briefed him on the world's political affairs and advised him to make changes as soon as possible, otherwise he would definitely fail. Cai Yi didn't listen. Promoted to Zhongshu Sheren.
At the end of the Xuanhe period, Goryeo paid tribute. Wherever the envoy passed, he mobilized civilians to repair ships, which caused a commotion and a lot of money. Sun Fu said: "Abusing people's power to hinder farming will not benefit China at all." The prime minister believed that his remarks were the same as Su Shi's, and demoted him to Qizhou. During the incident, Xu Han believed that although Sun Fu's comments coincided with Su Shi's by chance, he had no other intention, and it was too much to be criticized for judging matters based on his position. Xu Han was also dismissed and demoted. In the first year of Jingkang (1126), he was called to Beijing as a minister and promoted to Minister of War. In the previous chapter, he asked for the restoration of the ancestral laws. Qin Zong asked him. Sun Fu said: "The ancestral laws are beneficial to the people, the Xining Yuanfeng laws are beneficial to the country, and the Chongning and Daguanjian laws are beneficial to the treacherous officials." It was considered a famous saying at the time. In November, he was appointed Shangshu Youcheng, and soon he was appointed Tongzhi Privy Council.
The Jin people besieged the capital, and Sun Fu personally resisted the arrow stones day and night. The Jin soldiers attacked in all directions, but the Song soldiers retreated and fell into the Dragon Guard River. The Dragon Guard River was filled with corpses, and the city gate was closed in a hurry. On the same day, Jin soldiers entered the city.
In the first month of the second year of Jingkang (1127), Qinzong went to the camp of Marshal Jin Bing and appointed Sun Fu to assist the prince to stay in the capital, and he still served as young fu. Qinzong still didn't come back after twenty days, so Sun Fu sent letters to Jinying many times begging for Qinzong's release. When the call to depose the emperor came, Sun Fu cried loudly: "I only know that our monarch can rule China. If I establish a different surname as the emperor, I will die." The Jin people came to ask for the emperor, queen, kings, concubines and princesses. Sun Fu kept the prince and refused to let him go.
They secretly planned to hide him among the people, find two other eunuchs to kill him, kill dozens of death row prisoners, and give their heads to the Jin people. They deceived the Jin people and said: "The eunuchs plan to secretly send the prince out of the capital." The people fought to kill the eunuchs and accidentally injured the prince. So the prince led his troops to suppress the rebellion and killed the rebels. If he did not stop asking, the prince would commit suicide. "After five days, no one was willing to take the responsibility. . Sun Fu said: "I am the prince's master, and I should live and die with the prince. Although the Jin people do not ask me for help, I should go with the prince to see the two chiefs and accuse them face to face. Maybe it is possible to get things done." Sun Fu said So he followed the prince out of the city. The Jin soldiers guarding the city gate said: "The Jin people want the prince. Why bother to stay behind?" Sun Fu said: "I am a minister of the Song Dynasty and the prince's master. I should obey him to the death." That night, he stayed under the city gate. , the next day, the Jin called him to go. In February of the following year, he died in the northern Jin Dynasty.
During the Shaoxing period, (Sun Fu) was posthumously awarded the title of Kaifu Yitong Sansi, and his posthumous title was Zhongding.