Bing Xin, a century-old man, said, "Read well, read well, read well." This is a wise saying. Reading a good book can enrich the mind, distinguish between right and wrong, make people caring, civilized in behavior and standardized in etiquette; Reading a bad book makes people narrow-minded, shameless, selfish and cruel.
There is a story that Russian lomonosov wanted a book most when he was a child. He is the son of a fisherman. During the day, he goes fishing with his father, and at night, he hides in the shed and reads books. One day, lomonosov and his father were fishing at sea. Suddenly, there was a strong wind, the sea raised huge waves, and the sail of the ship was blown off. The situation is very urgent. Desperate, he climbed up along the swaying mast, and soon the sails blown by the wind were firmly tied, and the fishing boat returned to stability. After the gale passed, his father pulled him to his side and said with a smile, "Son, I will reward you for your bravery and buy you a deerskin coat, ok?" Lomonosov shook his head. "Then what do you want?" "I want to buy a book, dad, and nothing else." "Isn't a deerskin coat better than a book?" "Dad, I want a good book with all kinds of knowledge. For example, why do the stars in the sky fall, and why the night is the dawn in the past ... "Father and sailors opened their eyes in surprise. When he grew up, lomonosov became a famous Russian scientist, poet, linguist and historian. His scientific research covers a wide range, involving many fields of natural science. At the same time of scientific research, he also carried out literary creation, linguistics and historical research, leaving many valuable works for future generations.
Dear students, after listening to this story, you will certainly get some insights and enlightenment from it. In the new century, I hope all students will be accompanied by good books: literature, art, knowledge, science and technology, thought and life ... as long as they are good books, it is beneficial to open them; Only by reading extensively can we have profound knowledge; Only with the company of books, the mind will not be poor and lonely, the body and mind can be cultivated, and life can be full of interest.
"Half an acre of square pond, day put * * *. Ask where the canal is so clear because there is a source of living water. " Students, let's drink this "flowing water from the source", climb the ladder of human progress, become a rich man of knowledge, a giant of spirit, and become a high-quality builder of the motherland in 2 1 century.