The emperor is not the same as the emperor in white clothes." This is a classic saying of Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is said that in the 19th year of Emperor Guangwu's founding (43 AD), a daughter of Liu Xiu's sister Princess Huyang's family The slave committed a serious crime and hid in his master's house in Luoyang, the capital, so that the officials could not arrest him. Later, when Princess Huyang went out, the murderer accompanied her in the car. Dong Xuan, the commander of Luoyang, got the news and waited at Xiamen Pavilion. , stopped the carriage, loudly scolded the princess for her fault, and then punished the slave on the spot.
How could Princess Huyang have ever been wronged like this? She immediately went back to Liu Xiu to complain. Dong Xuan summoned him and wanted to "execute him on the spot." Dong Xuan said: "I hope to die after saying a word. "Liu Xiu agreed. Dong Xuan said: "Your Majesty revives the Han Dynasty but allows his servants to kill people. How will he govern the world? "After that, he bumped his head against the pillar. Liu Xiu came to his senses, so he asked Dong Xuan to apologize to the princess, so that she could find a way to get off. However, Dong Xuan was also a person of character, and would rather die than bow his head. Admitting his "mistake", Liu Xiu had no choice but to give up and no longer pursue the matter, and rewarded Dong Xuan with 300,000 yuan. Princess Huyang was not happy, and wanted to provoke her brother: "In the past, you When we were still ordinary people, we used to harbor fugitives and make officials afraid to come looking for them. Now that we are emperor, we can't do anything about a county magistrate? Liu Xiu said with a smile: "The emperor is not the same as Baiyi!" " (For details, see Volume 43 of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian")
Liu Xiu's original words, in modern language, sound a bit like "leading cadres cannot be confused with ordinary people." Of course, you I can't understand the same sentence. Some people nowadays have a subconscious belief that leading cadres are more capable than ordinary people and should be treated specially. They should be treated differently from ordinary people, otherwise they will be downgraded - - Its essence is to discriminate against the common people. Analyzing the situation at that time, Liu Xiu's meaning is of course that when you become an emperor, you must pay attention to the overall situation and follow the law, instead of being a leader like in the past. There should be more constraints, greater responsibilities, and things should not be done too casually or too willfully. From this, we can see that Emperor Guangwu was generous, responsible, and good at recognizing talents, especially in terms of the unity of power and responsibility. His view at the time was. Very advanced
The Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty Liu Xiu (the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month in 6 BC - the fifth day of February in 57 AD), named Uncle Wen, was born in Cai, Nanyang County. A native of Yang County, born in Jiyang County, Chenliu County, he was the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty and a famous statesman and military strategist in Chinese history.
In the last years of Xinmang, the country collapsed and the world was in chaos. Liu Xiu, who had the blood of the previous dynasty, took advantage of the situation to raise troops in his hometown. In 25 AD, Liu Xiu openly broke with the Gengshi regime and proclaimed himself emperor in Qianqiu Pavilion, Hanan, Hebei Province. In order to express the rebirth of the Liu family, he still named him "Han". The name of the country was known as "Eastern Han Dynasty" in history.
After a twelve-year war of unification, Liu Xiu successively annihilated the separatist regimes in Guandong, Longyou, Xishu and other places, ending his own rule. Since the end of the Xin Mang Dynasty, warlords have been fighting and separatist for nearly twenty years. During Liu Xiu's thirty-three years in office, he promoted Confucianism and promoted integrity. The Eastern Han Dynasty was also praised by later historians as "the most beautiful and prosperous Confucianism" in Chinese history. "era.
On the fifth day of February in the second year of Jianwu Zhongyuan (first work of Zhongyuan) (AD 57), Liu Xiu passed away in the front hall of the Nangong at the age of sixty-two. The edict said: "I am of no use. As for the common people, all funeral affairs should be in accordance with Emperor Xiaowen's system, and they must be frugal. The governor and the two thousand chief officials were not allowed to leave the city where they were, and they were not allowed to send officials or send letters of condolence via post. "After Liu Xiu's death, his son Liu Zhuang succeeded to the throne. On the fifth day of March of the same year, Liu Xiu was buried in the original mausoleum, and he was named Shizu in the temple and posthumously named Emperor Guangwu.