Man is always a product of his environment. Xunzi once said: "If you don't support yourself in the hemp, you will be straight; if the whit
Man is always a product of his environment. Xunzi once said: "If you don't support yourself in the hemp, you will be straight; if the white sand is in nirvana, it will be black." In a good environment, people often develop good concepts and qualities; in a bad environment, people often develop good ideas and qualities. It will develop bad conceptual qualities. If a person's most shameless behavior benefits, but the cost is very low, or does not receive any punishment or public disparagement at all, then his behavior may have a bad demonstration effect, and some people with low moral standards and self-discipline may People with weak spirits will imitate him. If subsequent imitators also benefit from the same and are not sanctioned, more imitators will inevitably appear. That’s the power of bad examples.
In daily life, this kind of thing can often be seen: one person takes a shortcut and tramples on the lawn, and someone follows and tramples on it. If one person doesn't line up, more people will crowd in from behind. If one person throws garbage in a place that shouldn't be thrown, there will be many others who will also throw garbage there. Those who later trample on the lawn, skip queues, and litter may not know that doing so harms their own civilized image, but if the people in front do it, they will follow suit. In the political realm, a similar phenomenon is equally common. If the superiors engage in big corruption, the subordinates will engage in petty corruption; if the superiors engage in grand exaggeration, the subordinates will engage in petty exaggeration; if the city dares to make false reports to the province, the county will dare to make false reports to the city; if a person gets benefits by flattering the leader of the unit, There will soon be a group of sycophants in this unit. If this phenomenon of doing things but not doing things in vain occurs on a large scale, it will inevitably lead to a general decline in social shame, and the social atmosphere will quickly deteriorate.
Fourth, numbness and tolerance towards unhealthy trends and shameless phenomena.
As the saying goes: "Every day you see strange things, don't be surprised at all." If we see some bad and shameless phenomena too much, people will easily develop a sense of shame and numbness. In the real society, although there are many people who have a certain sense of shame and are generally unwilling to join the ranks of shameless people, they are also unwilling to fight against all kinds of shameless phenomena, and have adopted a "nothing to do with themselves, hang on high" attitude. "attitude. Not having a clear sense of love and hate and giving up criticism and struggle against bad phenomena are manifestations of a weakened sense of shame. This subjective tolerance of shameless behavior is objectively condoning shameless people.
The above-mentioned phenomena have destroyed the effectiveness of social rules, destroyed the normal social order, and corrupted the social atmosphere. If this situation develops to a serious level, the result will inevitably be that disciplines are not observed, rules are not followed, things are done right and wrong, things are done crookedly, and finally the interests of the broad masses of the people are harmed. Therefore, we must make great efforts to reverse this inverted concept of honor and disgrace.
How the wrong concept of honor and disgrace arises
It should be said that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, our people have vigorously strengthened the construction of the socialist rule of law and strengthened the socialist citizen morality. Construction and social atmosphere are generally developing in a civilized, healthy and upward direction. After all, there are very few shameless people, and they are also very unpopular. However, the erosion of social morals by this small minority of people cannot be ignored.
The emergence of anything has its inevitability. We are in an era of reform, and the characteristic of the reform era is that some existing concepts and rules are abandoned or shelved, and some newly established concepts and rules are difficult to establish and improve immediately, and it is difficult to achieve full effectiveness for a while. Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that there will be a certain degree of diversity and confusion in concepts, including the concept of honor and disgrace. Such situations have occurred during several reforms in China's history. Today's reforms are incomparable to any reform in history. The transformation from a planned economy to a market economy, the conflict between old and new moral concepts, the influence of Western moral concepts, and the agitation of various ideological trends have all had a huge and profound impact on people's concepts of honor and disgrace. influence.
On the one hand, we should affirm that the current social atmosphere and concepts of honor and disgrace are problems that arise in the process of social progress, not in social decline. We cannot use moral evaluation to deny reforms like the conservatives in Chinese history. , go back; on the other hand, we should also pay special attention to the problems existing in social atmosphere, pay attention to the establishment of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, pay attention to the cultivation of a sense of shame, and take effective measures to improve social atmosphere and improve the moral level of the broad masses of the people. .
How to establish a socialist concept of honor and disgrace
Comrade Hu Jintao’s important speech on the “Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces” inherits and carries forward the political wisdom in China’s excellent cultural traditions and embodies the The collective leadership of the central government is far-sighted in governing the country and ensuring national security. The speech set a clear standard for distinguishing the boundaries between right and wrong, good and evil, honor and disgrace, and for what to adhere to, oppose, advocate, and resist in the whole society. It also set a clear standard for how to cultivate people with ideals, morality, culture, and discipline. Socialist citizens are of great significance in promoting the formation and development of good social atmosphere. As the concept of honor and disgrace that socialist citizens should establish, the "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" supplement and develop the spirit of relevant documents on citizen moral construction.
The socialist concept of honor and disgrace is an organic part of advanced socialist culture, but this advanced culture is not the culture of a small number of social elites. A small number of advanced elements should certainly take the lead in establishing a socialist concept of honor and disgrace and building a good social atmosphere, but it is not enough to have only a few advanced elements. The fundamental way to establish the socialist concept of honor and disgrace and promote the formation and development of good social ethics is to mobilize the people extensively and deeply, rely unswervingly on the people, and give full play to the historical initiative of the people. The historical initiative of the people has been mobilized, and all evil and bad phenomena will have no escape.
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