The famous educators in ancient China were Confucius, Mozi, Xunzi and Wang Yangming. In modern China, there were Chen Yuan, Tao Xingzhi, Yan, Huang Zhifu, Cai Yuanpei, Ma, Xu Shoushang, Hu, Hu Dunfu, Liang Shuming, Wu Zhihui, Huang Xianfan, Guoan Tang, Xu Teli, Qu Bochuan, Tang, Liu Yizheng, Du Yaquan, Wu Xun and Huang Nai Shang. The contemporary educational ideas of Zhou Shunying, Yu and Yu are part of China's new era culture.
The famous educators in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The famous educator in ancient Rome was quintilian.
Modern famous educators include Montessori, rudolf steiner, Dewey, Neil, rudolf steiner and Suzuki.
You can go to the website of China Educators Association.