The most noble ideas come first, followed by money; a society with only money without the most noble ideas will collapse.
The pursuit of ideals is the initial motivation for a person to educate himself, and without self-education, it is impossible to imagine a perfect spiritual life. I believe that teaching students to educate themselves is the most advanced way. Skill and art.
Science can not only give knowledge to the young and happiness to the elderly, but also make people accustomed to labor and the pursuit of truth. It can create real spiritual wealth and material wealth for the people, and can create people without it. Something that cannot be obtained.
Only in constant pursuit can people be satisfied. Like love, the true spirit of poetry, philosophy, and science is precisely to constantly pursue and always stand at the starting line.
If you can live your life following your ideals and act with the spirit of freedom, the perseverance to move forward, and the thought of being honest and not self-deceiving, you will surely reach a state of perfection and perfection.
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