Poems or famous sayings about morality include:
1. Because morality is the foundation of being a human being. Once the foundation is bad, even if you have some knowledge and skills, it will be of little use. ——Tao Xingzhi
2. Living according to moral principles is a happy life. ——Aristotle
3. Patriotism, like other moral senses and beliefs, makes people noble and enables them to understand and love truly beautiful things more and more. Experience joy in the perception of things, and use every means to make beautiful things manifest in action. ——Kelov
4. Love of labor is one of the main components of communist morality. But only after the working class wins victory, labor, an indispensable condition of human life, will no longer be a heavy and shameful burden, but will become an honorable and heroic cause. —— Kalinin
5. Let your moral core be healthy, pure, and powerful! To be a real person means to contribute the power of your soul to the people around you, making them better, spiritually richer and more perfect. Let everyone you come into contact with in your life get a little of the best from you, from the depths of your soul. ——Suhomlinsky
6. Teach your children "virtue": it is virtue, not money, that makes people happy. This is my experience. What supported me in times of trouble was morality, and what kept me from committing suicide was not only art but also morality. ——Beethoven
7 Failure to keep time is immoral.