1. The sun comes out of the east, and the east is wood, which is benevolence; when it passes through the south, it is fire, which is ritual; when it sets in the west, it is gold, which is righteousness; when it goes to the north, it is black, which is water, and it is wisdom; (The center is soil and faith). This is exactly what heaven is like. It’s a pity that people don’t know how to follow this example.
Note: This is the ancient Chinese philosophy of "harmony between man and nature". Laozi said: "Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature."
2. If you want to become a sage, god or Buddha, you must reverse the Five Elements. Whichever line ordinary people prefer, they will eventually die in that line.
Note: The so-called "which line is preferred" refers to the negative side of which line a person's nature is biased towards (such as Yin Wood, Yin Fire, Yin Earth, Yin Metal, Yin Water).
3. Wood can stand, fire can straighten, earth has conscience, metal can distinguish, and water can pervade everything. There is no explanation for the perfection of nature.
4. Among the five ethics, people, except friends, must find their own right and wrong.
5. In the past, men took the sun and women took the taiyin. Men (the five elements) went direct and women (the five elements) went retrograde. From now on, if women can understand the way and can stand on their own, they can also go direct with men.
Note: In direct motion, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood. In retrograde motion, wood moves through water, water moves through metal, metal moves through earth, earth moves through fire, and fire moves through wood. Why men are submissive and women are rebellious will be discussed in detail later.
6. Ordinary people’s natures are biased. They prefer to argue with fire, to hurt others with metal, to drown people with water, to bully others with earth, and to disobey others with wood. people. If you can do more introspection, you will be on the right track.
7. People’s bad qualities are caused by the world’s customs. Water is like wealth, and people call it money. Those affected by wood are sour in nature, those affected by water are annoying, those affected by metal are annoying, those affected by fire are hateful, and those affected by earth are resentful.
8. Benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and trust are the five elements in nature. The five ethics in the human world are the five elements in the heart, and the five elements in the body are the five emotions.
Note: The "Five Emotions" refer to each ethical principle, which has its own special principles. Such as the love between father and son, the love between brothers, the love between husband and wife, etc., all have their own special characteristics. The specialness of the love between husband and wife is extremely obvious.
9. Only with real wood can you have true benevolence and achieve enlightenment.
Note: The five elements are divided into yin and yang. The yang side is positive, positive, and kind; the yin side is negative, negative, and evil. Develop the positive and overcome the negative. The so-called "real wood" means that Yang wood has benevolence and is positive.
10. People with a lot of earth nature are likely to be resentful, people with a lot of water nature are likely to be subdued, people with a lot of fire nature are likely to be bullying, and people with a lot of wood nature are likely to be gloomy. (A certain type of person has many negative aspects, that is, it has many negative aspects)
11. The five elements in a human body are the five elixirs.
Note: When a person can find out which line of Yin is responsible for his disease, he can adjust himself from that line, adjust the Yin and get the Yang, turn the negative into smooth, turn the negative into life, and the disease will heal itself. . Isn’t this a panacea?
12. One must have great faith to attain the Tao.
13. Those who strive for merit and justification for themselves are the seeds of bad morals and bad principles.
14. Those who argue do not understand the reason, and those who understand the reason do not argue.
Note: To argue is to think that I am right and others are wrong, or that others are sorry for me or have lost my favor. Such a person's state of mind must be distressed. The reality is that in the inner ledger, others' faults are always recorded, while one's own faults are not recorded at all. This is exactly what one extra note (other people are wrong about) will add to one's own mental distress. Can this be said to be reasonable? You must turn over and realize that there must be a reason why others make mistakes (and it is not necessarily his fault). His quality determines that he must do that. It is sensible to think this way. However, if you insist on asking others according to your own requirements without understanding their psychological character, you insist on arguing with them. This is just asking for trouble, so it is said that "arguing with others is unreasonable."
15. People with fire nature can be in trouble with people, but not with wealth, because if they are rich, they will be arrogant; people with water nature can be with wealth, but not with women. *Trouble, because when he encounters trouble, he becomes depressed.
Note: The fire nature itself has the inflammatory property. Once there is wealth and honor, fire is added to the fire, and the inflammatory property becomes stronger. Therefore, you must "keep a respectful distance" from those who do anything to prevent you from asking for trouble; people with water nature are inherently reticent, and they will not be arrogant and arrogant even if they are rich and powerful. Give them the strength to move forward bravely.