Appreciation of Yan Zi makes Chu:
1. The whole story is an idiom: bring disgrace to oneself. This idiom first appeared in The Analects of Confucius. Zi Gong asked how to make friends. Confucius said, "Honest advice is given to each other, and good words are directed. If he doesn't listen, forget it. Don't ask for humiliation." But most descendants' understanding of this idiom comes from this text. The king of Chu tried to insult Yan Zi three times, but the result was not only easily solved by Yan Zi, but finally insulted by Yan Zi. The idiom means that you are insulted and embarrassed because of yourself.
2. Facing the second insult of the King of Chu, Yan Zi responded to the King of Chu like this: "What is this? Linzi, the capital of China, is full of people. When everyone opens their sleeves, they can cover the sun and become cloudy; Everyone shakes a sweat, it's just a shower; Pedestrians in the street rubbed their shoulders and their toes touched their heels. How did the King say that there was no one in Qi? " (In this passage of Yan Zi, three idioms are derived: one is that Zhang Mei becomes Yin; The second is to sweat into rain; The third is to rub shoulders. Swing, shake off; The sweat spilled by everyone's hands is like rain, which describes many people. Of course, this idiom later describes sweating a lot, which is not the original meaning. The third is to rub shoulders: rubbing, and; Rub shoulders, shoulder by shoulder; Heel, heel; One after another, toes touch heels. Shoulder to shoulder, foot to foot, describes a crowded. )
3. When the King of Chu teased the people of Qi for stealing, Yan Zi stood up without changing his face and said, "Why didn't your Majesty know that?" Citrus in Huainan is big and sweet. However, when a species from citrus reticulata goes to Huaibei, it can only bear small and bitter oranges. Isn't it because the water and soil are different? By the same token, the people of Qi lived and worked in peace and contentment in Qi, and when they arrived in Chu, they became thieves. Perhaps the water and soil of the two countries are different. " This passage contains an idiom: orange in the south and orange in the north. Fructus Aurantii: Deciduous shrub, bitter and sour, spherical. Also called orange. The orange in the south will become bitter orange when transplanted to the north of Huaihe River. Metaphor means that the same species mutates due to different environmental conditions. Later generations used "orange in the south and orange in the north" to describe the influence of the environment on people. In modern Chinese, it seems to be used in a slightly derogatory sense to describe something as "alienated" or "deteriorated" because of the change of the environment. )
diplomacy is no small matter, especially when it involves national dignity, and it is absolutely inviolable. Yan Zi maintained his national dignity and personal dignity with the way of "attacking the shield with the spear of the son". Yan Ying is smart, witty, eloquent, brave and fearless.
The reason why Yan Zi won this diplomatic victory is that Yan Zi's words are neither supercilious nor condescending, polite and restrained, and his words are euphemistic and his mind is clear.