famous saying-
1. Mencius said, "Honest people, the way of heaven is also true, sincere people, the way of man is also true."
2. The Doctrine of the Mean also says: "Honesty is the way of heaven, and honesty is the way of people."
3. Yizhoushu: "If you don't taste it when you are an adult, you will help with sincerity to help you make money." "The filial piety between father and son, the friendship between brothers, the loyalty and stupidity between monarch and minister, and the sincerity between township parties."
short story-
Hu Xueyan, a famous Huizhou merchant, hung a "No Cheating" plaque in Huqingyutang drugstore in Hangzhou. In his postscript, he wrote: "Every trade is deceitful", "I intend to help the world, and I will never take advantage of inferior products", and "I should be honest in procurement and perfect in system, so as not to deceive the rest to deceive the world. The secret of Hu Qingyutang Pharmacy's reputation at home and abroad and its prosperous business lies in the word "no cheating". This story shows that the word "quit bullying" is the secret of enterprise success and the priceless treasure of entrepreneurs.