Full name: Dave Batista
Height: 6 feet 5 inches (1 inch is approximately equal to 2.54 centimeters)
Weight: 285 pounds ( 1 pound is approximately equal to 0.45 kilograms)
Birthday: January 18, 1969
Residence: Washington, DC
Wife: Angie
Children: Two daughters
Pets: 3 Scottish Yorkshire terriers
Idols: HHH, Flair, Bruce Lee, Coleman
Career starting point: 1999 Join WWE
Contact: demonwrestling@gmail.com
Friends in the bodybuilding industry: Kevin Levrone, Don Long, Kim Kamali
Tattoo meaning: Dragon represents - warrior (later also tattooed "Warrior")
Angel represents - wife Angie
GER13, provided to all WWE enthusiasts
The content is excerpted from "Health and Beauty"/"Mr. Bodybuilder