1. People are not saints and sages. Who can have no faults and correct them? There is no great good. --Zuo Qiuming of the State of Lu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. The original sentence in "Zuo Zhuan Xuan Gong's Second Year" is: After entering three times, he slipped away, then looked back and said, "I know what I have done wrong, and I will correct it." He looked at his head and said to him. : "Who has no faults? If you can correct your faults, there is no greater virtue. Translation: After walking three times and arriving under the eaves, Jin Linggong looked up at him and said, "I already know my faults and plan to correct them." Shi Ji kowtowed and replied: "Who can avoid making mistakes? If you make mistakes, you can correct them. There is no greater good thing than this."
2. If you don’t prepare yourself for others, you will fail to do so. --The Western Han Dynasty scholar Fu Sheng's oral translation of "Shang Shu·Yi Xun": If you blame others for not seeking perfection, you will not be able to check your body if you don't. 3. Change it if it exists, and encourage it if it doesn’t. ——Song Dynasty Zhu Xi's "Analects of Confucius·Xue Er Chapter 1" Translation: Refers to correcting the shortcomings and mistakes pointed out by others if there are any; if not, using them to encourage yourself so that you will not make the same mistakes in the future mistake. 4. Use copper as a mirror to correct your clothes; use ancient times as a mirror to know the ups and downs; use people as a mirror to know gains and losses. ——Translation of "Old Book of Tang: Biography of Wei Zheng" by Song Qi and Ouyang Xiu of the Tang Dynasty: Use copper as a mirror to straighten your clothes; use history as a mirror to know the rise and fall; use people as a mirror to understand your own gains and losses. 5. It is unwise to make mistakes without knowing them; it is not courageous to know but not be able to change them.
——Translation of "Book of Changes Ninth" by Li Gou of the Northern Song Dynasty: It is unwise to pass by and not know; it is not brave to know and not be able to change.