Translation: quotes by famous people
Specific word analysis:
English [k'w?ts] American [k'wo?ts]?
v. Quote; quote; cite, cite (the third person singular of quote); quote for (stocks, gold or foreign exchange)
2. famous
English [?fe?m?s] American [?fem?s]?
adj. famous, famous; 3. people UK [?pi:pl] US [?pip?l]? n. people; people, human beings; inhabitants; race< /p> vt. To live in, to populate; to fill with people, to colonize in...; to raise animals in... Extended information: 1. Synonyms of famous: 1. well-known English ['wel'n?n] American [?w?l?non]? adj. Well-known, Well known, familiar; famous; famous 2. celebrated English [?sel?bre?t?d] American [?s?l?bret?d]? adj. Famous, famous v. Celebrate, celebrate (the past tense and past participle of "celebrate"); preside over religious ceremonies (especially the Holy Communion); praise; Praise 2. Related phrases: 1. A collection of English famous quotes? Habit is a second nature 2. Inspiring English famous quotes? Prosperity doth best disco 3. Famous quotations in English? Haste trips over its own heels 4. To quote; famous quotations 5. Famous quotations ?Quotations From Famous People 6. Philosophical English famous quotes?storms make trees take deep