"Confidence is more important than genius?" This is a Greek famous saying. It is a very reasonable and philosophical saying. The reason why confidence is more important than genius is mainly because confidence is the key to success or failure. , throughout the ages, most people who can achieve something in a certain field are those who have confidence and courage. As the saying goes, the brave may not live forever, but the cautious are doomed. This means that if a person has courage and confidence. , then he can often move forward when doing things, instead of looking forward and backward and missing opportunities.
In fact, this sentence can also be understood as, self-confidence is more important than IQ. There is one around me. My friend, his personal experience may verify the importance of confidence. My friend is a person with a low IQ, but he is always full of confidence. We often wonder where his confidence comes from. He is ordinary, but he especially likes to dress up. Whether in front of boys or girls, he always looks confident and calm. There are four boys in our dormitory, and my friend has the best appearance among the four of us. He was ordinary and not very tall, but what no one expected was that this friend was the first to have a girlfriend in school. Later, we asked his girlfriend why she liked him, who was ordinary-looking. When his girlfriend gave the answer, I felt that my friend was confident and optimistic. In fact, if you think about his girlfriend's words carefully, it makes sense. The foundation of being cheerful and optimistic is inner strength and self-confidence.
In addition, in fact, except for geniuses, most people's IQs are at a normal level. However, some people have self-confidence, so when they encounter difficulties, the first thing they think of is not to shrink back, and the subtext is not that I can't do it. , but thought that I can do it, I can overcome difficulties and defeat myself. People with confidence will not give up easily, so they will go further. This is why confidence is more important than genius!
Words are impermanent and faithless, actions are impermanent and trustworthy, but interests are everywhere. If they are, they can be de