Zhu Xi’s motto for managing a family Zhu Bailu: Get up at dawn and sweep the courtyard to make sure the inside and outside are tidy; when you are faint and take a rest, lock the door and make sure to check it yourself. A porridge and a meal, when you think about the difficulty of getting there; half a thread, half a thread, always remember that material resources are difficult. It is better to prepare before it rains and not to dig a well when thirsty. You must be frugal in your self-respect, and do not linger when entertaining guests. The utensils are clean and earthenware, and the earthenware pot and pot are better than gold and jade; the food is simple and refined, and the vegetables in the garden are more delicious. Do not build luxurious houses or seek fertile land. Three aunts and six wives are matchmakers for adulterers and thieves; beautiful maids and coquettish concubines are not the blessings of a boudoir. Children and servants should not be handsome, and wives and concubines should not use colorful makeup. Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifices must not be dishonest; although the descendants are foolish, they must read the scriptures. Live in a simple and simple way, and teach your children in a righteous way. Don't be greedy for unexpected wealth, and don't drink too much wine. Don’t take advantage when doing business with Jian Tiao; when you see your poor relatives and neighbors, you must show warmth and compassion. If you are mean and start a family, you will not be able to enjoy it for a long time; if you have a bad relationship, you will soon perish. Brothers, uncles and nephews must be divided into many and few to benefit each other. Elderly and young, both inside and outside, should be strict in their speech. How can he be a husband who listens to his wife and behaves like a good boy? He who values ??his property but despises his parents is not a good son. When marrying a daughter, choose a good son-in-law, and don’t ask for a generous offer; when marrying a daughter-in-law, choose a lady, don’t ask for a generous dowry. It is most shameful to be flattered when seeing wealth; to be arrogant when faced with poverty is nothing more despicable. Avoid litigation at home, as litigation will lead to disaster; avoid talking too much in life, because talking too much will lead to mistakes. Do not rely on power to bully the orphans and widows; do not be greedy for food and drink, but do not kill animals and birds. If you are eccentric, you will have many regrets and mistakes; if you are resigned to being decadent, your family fortune will be difficult to achieve. If there is little intimacy, you will suffer from it for a long time; if you are old and mature, you can rely on each other if you are in a hurry. Listen carefully to what is said, and be aware of the accusations made by others, and be patient and think twice; when fighting over things, how can you know that it is not your fault, you must think calmly to yourself. Don’t forget to give favors, don’t forget to receive favors. You should leave room for everything, and you should not go back to where you are proud. When people are happy, don't be jealous; when people are in trouble, don't be happy. Good things that are only wanted to be seen by others are not really good; evil things that are feared to be seen by others are great evils. If you see lust and have lustful thoughts, you will retaliate against your wife and children; if you hide your grudges and use hidden arrows, you will bring disaster to your descendants. The family is harmonious, and even though the meals are not going on, there is still a lot of fun. After the national classes are finished early, there is nothing left in the bag, and I am happy. Studying aims at being a sage, not just a scholar; serving as an official only cares about the country, not about family status. Keep your peace and order, and listen to the weather. If you behave like this, you will be close to common people.
The family is a nursery, the children are seedlings, and family traditions are like raindrops. They sneak into the night with the wind and moisten things silently. Only when the seedlings are moistened by rain and dew can they grow up healthily. Only under the influence of good family traditions can children excel. Recently. , as the word "family tradition" became popular, scenes of my grandparents educating me could not help but emerge in my mind. Looking back on the past, every time before going to school, my grandma always liked to tell me a few words: "Child, come to school. Don’t grind your teeth with your classmates (a Bozhou saying refers to quarreling or fighting). If someone bullies you, just come back and tell me, I will go find your teacher! Grandma was afraid that I would have conflicts with my classmates at school, so she would always tell me when there was nothing wrong. I took a "political class" and told some classic stories, which taught me to be magnanimous when encountering problems, to live in harmony with teachers and classmates at school, and not to conflict with others at every turn. Under my grandma's indoctrination, I basically had no There were conflicts with teachers and classmates. My grandfather loved to tell me a lot about his experience in military service. The life in the army was particularly difficult. He warned me: "There are not many young people today who can endure hardships and stand hard work. You have to learn how to do it from an early age." You have to endure hardships, otherwise you won’t be able to accomplish anything great”! My grandfather also taught me that “you can only become a master if you endure hardships.” Only by experiencing an environment that ordinary people can’t bear can we create real talents and be successful in our future work and life. Being superior to others. Maybe this is "Heaven is about to give a great responsibility to a person, so he must first work his muscles and bones and starve his body and skin..." I think. Looking at now, I have entered high school and become a high school student. I have already developed a I have developed good habits such as being helpful to others, working hard and being simple. If you think about it carefully, these are inseparable from the family tradition of our family. Nowadays, my grandma still gives me "political lessons" every time before going to school, and my grandpa still gives me "political lessons" from time to time. Before and after the meal, they talked to me about the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, such as diligence, thrift, hard work, etc. I was very happy to listen to their words, because that is the good family tradition of our family. Develop the future and establish integrity. Family tradition, inheriting excellent family rules and mottos, is worthy of promoting national culture. Nowadays, some bad habits in society have gradually withdrawn from the people's sight, and "positive energy" can be passed on. If it is combined with excellent family traditions, then our society will The atmosphere will be purer, people's lives will be better, and the country's future will be more prosperous!