1. Pollution is pure, and purity is pollution. Good is evil, and evil is good. Life is death, and death is life. Pollution is pollution, and pollution is purity. グッド悪であり、悪は好いです. Health は死、生まれては死です Pronunciation: Nettodesu osen wa, yogorete iru jun. Guddo akudeari, aku wa yoidesu. Kenkō wa shi, umarete wa shidesu. 2. I was so stupid, even though it was only for a moment, I thought Stay with you forever. Private moment, private life, private life, and one thread. Pronunciation: Watashi wa isshun dake ga, watashi wa jissai ni seikatsu anata to issho ni itai,-amari ni mo orokadatta.3. I once thought like this when I was alive... We can't go back to the past, so we just want to be like this now. Stay for a while. Private はこの考え生きている... ...I 々は the past に戻ろうとしていないので, the present しばらくの间 ここにいたいていた. Pronunciation: Watashi wa kono kangae ikite iru... ... Wareware wa kako ni modorou to shite inainode, ima shibaraku no ma koko ni itaite ita. 4. Inuyasha, don't forget, the feeling when I kissed you is real, Don't forget Inuyasha は, forget れないで, あなたの気 Hold ちにキスをするとき, hondang にforget れてはいけない pronunciation Inu yasha wa, wasurenaide, anata no kimochi ni ki su o suru toki, hontōni wasurete wa ikenai 5. Inuyasha… When my dead soul was taken away and about to leave my body, I thought I was about to leave this world alone. But... you came... I'm very happy... Inuyasha は...private soul は, 死んでcite き出されたときのbody を residual して, privy はPI がこの世界に人を residual してと考え ました. しかし、あなたが直播にhurryしたが... ... ... ... ... ...private はvery に満 Foot している pronunciation Inu yasha wa... Watashi no tamashī wa, shinde hikidasa reta toki no karada o nokoshite, watashi wa kare ga kono sekai ni hito o nokoshite to kangaemashita. Shikashi, anata ga genba ni kyūkō shitaga... ... ... ... ... ... Watashi wa hijō ni manzoku shite iru 6. Don't worry, Inuyasha, I won't let any man touch a hair on my head except you. Heart with Inuyasha は、あなたに加えて、private man がprivateにをtouchらせてしなくなります pronunciation Shinpai-ken yasha wa, anata ni kuwaete, watashi wa betsu no otoko ga watashi ni kami o sawara sete shinaku narimasu . 7. The threads of fate that were once entangled can no longer be restored. Returning to this path meant confirming the rut of my damned destiny. Once the fate of the の糸をLuo み合って, もはや reply することができます.
戻ると、そのパスに呪いのprivateのマンネリの Fortuneをconfirmationするために、ことをmeaningします. Pronunciation Ichi-do no unmei no ito o karamiatte, mohaya kaifuku suru koto ga dekimasu. Modoru to, sono pasu ni noroi no watashi no man'neri no unmei o kakunin suru tame ni, koto o imi shimasu. 8. Naraku, I don’t need you remind. I know, I am Platycodon, but I am not Platycodon either. That's why I hate it. But why, why are you still thinking about these things... Inuyasha! What is my soul seeking? Naraku がないことを思い出させるNecessary があります. Private, private, platycodon, platycodon, and platycodon. It's a private affair. しかし、なぜ、なぜこれらのことを... ...Inuyasha のと思うだろう! What is the pursuit of the ultimate private soul? PronunciationNaraku ga nai koto o omoidasa seru hitsuyō ga arimasu. Watashi wa watashi wa, kikyō kikyou de wa arimasendeshita, shitte iru. Dakara watashi wa kiraidesu. Shikashi, naze, naze korera no koto o... ...-Ken yasha no to omoudarou! Nani no tsuikyū ni saishū-teki ni watashi no tamashī?