What is the motto of the Olympic Movement? Who proposed it?
The Olympic motto "Swifter, Higher and Stronger" is a classic example of Henri Didon (1840- 1900), the dean and writer of Alkell Iraqi Theological Seminary, who wrote this inspiring word for the school sports association. Didong has a gift for public speaking. He often gives speeches in Catholic churches in Paris. He was exiled because his speech advocating freedom and individuality involved social evils. Didong connected three Latin words: Citius (faster), Aetius (higher) and Fortius (stronger), which highly summarized the Olympic spirit and was appreciated and spread by Coubertin, the founder of modern Olympic movement. 19 13, the IOC officially approved "Didong Advocacy" as the Olympic motto, which became the goal of generations of Olympic participants. In June 2000, the Vatican issued 1 commemorative stamp for Didong's centenary birthday. ……