In the Analects of Confucius, the sentences that describe the sufferings of the Chinese nation in the past are as follows:
1. Confucius said, "It is good to be virtuous! One scoop of food, one scoop of drink, in the mean lane, people can't bear their worries, and they don't change their fun when they go back. Xian is coming back! "
2. Confucius said, "Eat sparingly, drink water, bend your brain and pillow it, and enjoy it. Being unjust and rich and expensive is like a cloud to me. "
3. Ziri: "I believe in learning, and I am good at dying. Dangerous countries do not enter, chaotic countries do not live, the world has a way to see, no way to hide. There is a way in the country, poor and mean, and shameful. The state has no way, it is rich and expensive, and it is shameful. "
4. Confucius said, "If you wear a robe, you will stand up to those who wear a fox and are not ashamed. What is the reason?"? If you don't pray or ask, why not hide? Zilu recites it for life. Confucius said, "It's Tao, but how can it be hidden?"
5. Confucius said, "When you are cold, you will know that pine and cypress will wither."
6. Ziri: "A gentleman seeks the Tao but does not seek food. The tiller, with grace, is in it; Learn, and Lu is among them. A gentleman is not worried about poverty. "
The Analects of Confucius is derived from The Analects of Confucius, which consists of 38 chapters, and it is also one of the chapters cited by scholars in studying Confucius and Confucianism. This chapter puts forward Confucius' educational thought and learning attitude, Confucius' further explanation of important moral categories such as benevolence and virtue, and other ideas of Confucius.
this quotation:
this * * * includes 38 chapters, and it is also one of the chapters that scholars cite more when studying Confucius and Confucianism. This chapter puts forward Confucius' educational thought and learning attitude, Confucius' further explanation of important moral categories such as benevolence and virtue, and other ideas of Confucius.
It includes the following main contents: "Never tire of learning and never tire of teaching others"; "Eat food and drink water, bend your arms and pillow it, and enjoy it"; "I am angry and forget to eat, and I am happy to forget my worries. I don't know that the old age is coming"; "A threesome must have a teacher"; "An upright man is open and poised while a petty man is anxious and worried."; "Warm and stern, powerful but not fierce, respectful and safe."