A gentleman is upright and upright, and his inner world is square. Li Bai said: "A gentleman must have the ambition to travel around the world." Ada said: "A gentleman's ambition is to benefit the world, while a villain's ambition is to honor himself." King Qi asked Mencius, "What do scholars do?" Mencius replied, "Scholars always make themselves noble." Zeng Guofan said: "Only based on ambition." Xie said: "Be a man with determination. After you make up your mind, you have something to rely on. For example, a tree must have roots first, and then carefully cultivated and watered so that the tree can grow into a pillar in the future. " Ordinary people are ordinary people because they have no lofty aspirations. Those who have small ambitions, their lifelong pursuit is limited to promotion and wealth, eating well and dressing well. Such a person, even if he can be a big official, make a fortune, or enjoy a temporary wealth, has no feeling of the meaning of life, and eventually remains ignorant and mediocre.
To be a man, we must have the determination to be superior to others, to transform the world and create history. Adhering to the aura of heaven and earth, people should make contributions to heaven and earth, to mankind, to history, to parents and to family. This kind of dedication can not be accomplished by eating, drinking, clothing and raising children. Therefore, determination is the first important thing in life.
Wen Tianxiang said, "No one has died since ancient times. Take the heart of Dan and shine. " Wang Yun said, "If you succeed, you will lose your ambition, and you will not be taught to look in the mirror." Zhang Zai, a famous Confucian in the Song Dynasty, said: "Make a heart for heaven and earth, make a life for the people, carry forward the past and create a peaceful future for all generations." Huineng, the sixth ancestor of Zen Buddhism, said: "All beings have endless wishes, endless troubles, endless Buddhism, and Buddhism is supreme." These famous sayings are the aspirations and ambitions of these celebrities, as well as their ideals and goals. These famous sayings embody the inspiring spirit and show the pure and noble realm.
Carnegie said: "It is' ambition' to move towards a certain goal, and it is' gas' to never give up halfway. The combination of the two is ambition. The success or failure of all undertakings lies in this. " When we were young, our elders asked us to be ambitious and do things with ambition. Be an ambitious person. Because determination is the foundation of being a man. It is also the power of being a man; Do things with ambition, because ambition is the goal of doing things. It is also the truth of doing things. If you want to be an indomitable spirit, you must first set up an indomitable spirit. Determined to be an adult, we should aim at sages; If you are determined to do great things, you must aim at heroes; Determined to seek wealth, we must pursue fame and fortune as the goal; If we are determined to have enough food and clothing, we must aim at having enough food and clothing. If you want to be a saint, you must have the ideal of a saint; If you want to be a hero, you must have heroic ideals. Ambitions and ideals can guide us to strive for progress, improve our personality, spiritual morality and status, and enable us to surpass the world although we are in the world, thus creating success and not being eliminated and submerged by the rolling world of mortals, leaving regrets.
To be a man, you must have ambition, and then there is a way to go. Ambition is the foundation of great cause. There is no one in the world who can do things successfully without setting an ambition. All cleverness, self-confidence and courage are based on ambition. Wang Yangming said: "If you don't want to be determined, you can't achieve anything"; Without ambition, it is like a ship without rudder, a galloping horse without reins, drifting in the wind and galloping at will, never reaching the end. Being a man, only if you are determined to be the best in the world and take the world as your own responsibility can you achieve great things and make great contributions. Throughout the ages, sages and heroes are based on Fang Zhi's ambition.