There are three kinds of filial piety: great respect for relatives, followed by humiliation, and support under them. -"Book of Rites"
You must know the year of your parents. One is joy, the other is fear. -The Analects of Confucius
When Meng Wubo asked about filial piety, Confucius said, "Parents are only worried about illness." -"The Analects of Confucius Governing Politics"
Parents love what they love, and parents respect it. -Confucius
all ages are orderly. -Mencius
I am old, and people are old; Young, young, and young people. The world is in your hands. -Mencius
The most filial son is to respect his relatives. -Mencius
Only filial piety can relieve worries. -Mencius
Father and son are related, the monarch and the minister are righteous, the husband and wife are different, the young and the old are intimate, and the friends are trustworthy. -Mencius
What's more important? Things are big; Keep, which is bigger? Be big. I have heard of those who can serve their relatives without losing their bodies; I have never heard of anyone who can serve his relatives without his body. Who is not doing things? Things are close, and things are the foundation; Who doesn't keep it? Keeping the body, keeping the foundation. -Mencius
Benevolence is the truth, and it is also a matter of kinship; The truth of righteousness, from brother is also. -Mencius
can't be close, can't be a man; If you don't like your relatives, you can't be a child. -Mencius
A gentleman has three pleasures, but he who rules the world has nothing to do with it. Parents exist, brothers have no reason, and they are happy; Yang is worthy of the sky, and he does not care about people, and he is also happy; It's three pleasures to get the talents in the world and educate them. A gentleman has three pleasures, but the king of the world does not exist. -Mencius
There are five so-called unfilial people in the world, and four of them are lazy, regardless of their parents' support. Boyi likes drinking, regardless of his parents' support, and he is also unfilial; Good goods and wealth, private wife, regardless of parents' support, three unfilial; From the desire of eyes and ears, I thought that my parents were killed and four were unfilial; Be brave and ruthless, endanger your parents, and be unfilial. -Mencius
Without father and monarch, he is an animal. -Mencius
Virtues and virtues cannot be separated, if life is hard, if beauty and evil cannot be moved. -"Lu Chunqiu"
A dutiful son does not flatter his relatives, a loyal minister does not flatter his monarch, and a courtier is prosperous. -Zhuangzi
Those who care about their relatives are willing to settle down at will, and they are extremely filial. -Zhuangzi