The original text of Shuo Yuan Guide is as follows:
Leyang will attack Zhongshan for Wei. His son is in Zhongshan, and his son in Zhongshan county shows Leyang. Leyang is not a failure, but the more urgent it is to attack. The soup left by Zhongshan for cooking his son is a cup of food for Leyang. Zhongshan saw its sincerity, and could not bear to fight with it, and it was fruitful. Therefore, it opened the way for Wen Hou. Wen Hou rewarded his merits and doubted his heart. Meng Sun hunted for Hume. Make Qin Xiba return, and his mother will sing with him, but Qin Xiba can't bear it, and he will go with it. Meng Sun was angry and drove Qin Xiba away. After living for a year, I was called Prince Fu. The left and right said, "Fu Qinxiba is guilty of your crime. Now you think that the prince is rich. Why?" Meng Sun said, "If a husband can't bear it, how can he bear my son?" Therefore, it is better to be cunning than sincere. Le Yang is suspicious of his merits, Qin Xi and Palestine are guilty, but he is benevolent and heartless.
The translation of the full text is as follows:
Leyang was a general of Wei State who attacked Zhongshan State. Leyang's son was in Zhongshan country, and Zhongshan country hung Leyang's son for Leyang to see. Leyang did not weaken the will to attack because of this, and the attack was even more fierce. Sun Yat-sen then cooked Le Yang's son and gave him a soup. Le Yang drank a glass. Sun Yat-sen saw Le Yang's determination and couldn't bear to fight with him, and finally won Sun Yat-sen.. So it became the place where Wen Hou made his fortune. Wen Hou appreciated his exploits, but doubted his heart.
Meng Sun hunted and caught a tapir. Qin Xiba took it home, and the tapir's mother sang along with it. Qin Xiba couldn't bear it, so she let the tapir go to her mother. Meng Sun was angry and exiled Qin Xiba. A year later, Qin Xiba was recalled to be the teacher of the prince. The person next to him said, "Qin Xiba is guilty of the king, and now he is appointed as the Prince Fu. Why?" Meng Sun replied, "How can he bear my son because of a tapir?" Therefore, clever treachery is not as good as simple honesty. Le Yang was suspected because of his meritorious service, and Qin Xiba and Palestine were more trusted because of his guilt. The reason lies in the difference between benevolence and inhumanity.