Maybe your method is wrong.
The correct method is: hold down the Q key and move the mouse to the right horse option and press the middle of the mouse.
What are the small details of Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain:
1. When rescuing Miller in the first level, Miller will ask you to say the big boss’s magical words, and the protagonist will silence. In fact, as long as the player presses the △/Y key, the protagonist will say this sentence: "Kept you waiting, huh?"
2. In the scene where Eli is recycled, there is a pig head, Shoot it and it will make a pig noise.
3. Shoot the AI ??can and it will speak lines from "Metal Gear Solid 3" and "Peace Walker". Only after the AI ??tank is recovered back to the base, specific weapons can achieve this effect (those with glass penetration capabilities)
4. The water gun can instantly disable some electronic equipment, such as communication equipment placed in the room of the enemy base. Paralyzed, no noise will be made. Enemy soldiers will come to scout, but they won't feel there is an intruder.
5. If he gets seriously injured and gets on the helicopter, the protagonist will get an intravenous drip; if he gets seriously injured twice or more and gets on the plane again, he will get a direct blood transfusion.
6. If you knock down the telephone pole on a rainy day, soldiers passing by the wire will be shocked.
7. If the protagonist stays on the battlefield for too long, it will start to stink and there will be flies around. Returning to the main base will trigger a special animation where everyone dislikes you.
8. If the real time is the birthday you entered in the game, then on your birthday, there will be a birthday celebration animation when you return to the main base.
9. At the beginning of the game, the game will ask you to pinch your face. In a helicopter, sometimes you can see reflections in the glass. But this reflection is not of the protagonist, but of the face you pinched.