1. Reading is not only beneficial to widen your horizon but also helpful to master the language. Reading is not only beneficial to broadening our horizons, but also helps us master the language.
2. Reading makes a fullman, conferenceareadyman, and writinganexactman. Reading makes a person full, conversation makes a person witty, and writing makes a person precise.
3. Reading tenthous and books is like traveling tenthous and miles. Reading ten thousand books is like traveling ten thousand miles.
4. Theart of being wiseist heart of knowing what to overlook. Wisdom is the skill of knowing what to ignore.
5. The three foundations of learning; seeingmuch, sufferingmuch, and studyingmuch. The three basic conditions for studying are: more observation, more hardship, and more research.
6. Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it. Those who want to reap the fruits of freedom must bear the labor of maintaining freedom.
7. Timeisabirdforeveronthewing. Time is a bird that is always flying.
8. Too great anager net discharge on obligation isa species of inratitude. Eager to avoid fulfilling obligations is an ungrateful behavior.
9. Whatonedescribesinthebooksisone’sthoughttinhismind.Thepersonalityofabookisthatoftheauthor.
10. Nomatterhowmuchonehasexperienced,hecan’tenrichhisknowledgewithoutreadingbooks. No matter how rich his personal experience is, if he doesn’t read, he can’t enrich his knowledge.
11. If a person devotes all his knowledge to learning, no one can take it away from him.
12. Ignorance is not innocence butsin. Ignorance is not innocence, but sin.
13. Isn'tititahappythingifyoureviewwhatyouhavelearnedontime? Isn't it fun to learn and practice it?
14. Itnever will rainroses.Whenwewanttohavemoreroseswemustplanttrees. Roses will never fall from the sky, if you want more Many roses must be grown yourself.
15. Knowledge comes, but wisdom comes.
16. Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another.
17. Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without studying without studying results into confusion. Learning without thinking leads to waste, thinking without learning leads to peril.
18. Life is short and academic is endless.
19. Muchlearningshowshowlittlemortalsknow. Learn much and then realize that human knowledge is limited.
20. Nomatterhowmuchonehasexperienced,hecan’tenrichhisknowledgewithoutreadingbooks.No matter how rich his personal experience is, if he doesn’t read, he can’t enrich his knowledge.