Finding Nemo Chinese and English subtitles
-Wow, -Mmm, -Wow. -Hmm. -Wow, -Mm-hmm, -Wow. -Hmm. -Wow, - Yes, Marlin. -Wow. -Yes, Maulin. No, I see it. It's beautiful. So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view... Remember, Carol, when you said you wanted to see this view of the ocean... you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you? Did you? Did you think we'd move to the beach? Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. Oh, yeah. This is a free world for fish. Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? You said your husband and I, do our words count? -My man delivered. -And it wasn't so easy. -It took a lot of trouble. -Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. Fish covet this place, too. You better believe they did-- every single one of them. Mm-hmm. You did good. And the neighborhood is awesome. So, you do like it, don't you? No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. Yes, yes. I do, I do. I really like it here. But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable... But, Marlin, I know that living here would be It's nice... with the great schools and the amazing view... but do we really need so much space? but do we really need so much space? but do we really need so much space? we really need so much space? Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. They deserve the best Look, look, look. They deserve the best. Look, look, look. They'll wake up, poke their little heads out... They'll wake up, poke their little heads out... .. and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. and th
ey see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. Shh. You'll wake the kids. Oh, right, right. Aw, look. They're dreaming. We still have to name them. You want to name all of them right now? What do you want to name all these kids now? All right, we'll name this half Marlin Junior... and this half Coral Junior. It's called Carol. -OK, we're done. -I like Nemo. -Okay, that's it. -I like the name Nemo. -Nemo. We'll name one Nemo... Nemo. We can only choose one of them to be named Nemo... but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior. But I'd like to call the others Marlin Junior. Just think, in a couple of days... When I think about it, it won't take a few days... -we're going to be parents. -Yeah. -Yeah. What if they don't like me? What if they don't like me? -Marlin. -No, really. -Morin. -No, it's true. There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you. There are more than 400 eggs. According to the probability, there will always be one Like you. What? -You remember how we met? -I try not to. -You remember how we met? -I try not to. Well, I remember. "Excuse me, miss ...Okay, I remember. ''Sorry, miss... "can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?" ''Can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?" ''Can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?" '' You got a little closer because it was wiggling. -Get away, get away! -Here he is. Cutie's here. -Get away, get away! -Here he is. .The beauty is here. Where did everybody go? Coral, get inside the house. No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine. , don't move. They'll be fine. Just get inside--- You, right now. No! Ow! Oh! Oh! Ooh! Ooh! Oh! Oh! ! Coral! Carol! Coral? Card
Coral? Coral? Coral? Coral? Coral? Coral? Coral? Oh! Oh! Ohh. There, there, there. It's OK. Daddy's here It's okay. Daddy's got you. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you... Nemo. Mo. NEM First day of school! Title: Finding Nemo. Wake up, wake up! First day of school. Nemo: It's school! I don't want to go to school-- five more minutes. Get up, wake up! It's the first day of school. Not you, Dad, me. It's time for school, time for school. -Okay. Ah? -Get up, get up. All right, I'm up. It's time to go to school, it's time to go to school. Whoa! ! -Nemo, don't move. -Unh! Unh! -Nemo! -School has started! You'll never get out of there yourself. -Nemo, don't move. -Ah! Ah! I'll do it. Unh! You can't get out on your own. -You feel a break? -No. Let me help you. Ah! Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid rushes to the area. -You feel a break? -No. -Are you woozy? -No. Sometimes you can't tell because there are rapids in the area. -How many stripes do I have? -I'm fine. -Are you woozy? -No. -Answer the stripe question. - Three. -How many stripes do I have? -I'm fine. No! See? Something's wrong with you. -Answer my question. -Three. I have one, two, three-- That's all I have? No! See? ? There must be something wrong with you. You're OK. How's the lucky fin? I have one, two, three -- that's all I have? -Lucky. -Let's see. You're OK. How's the lucky fin? Are you sure you want to go to school this year? -Lucky Fin. -Let's see. There's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years. Are you sure you want to go to school this year? Come on, Dad, it's time for school. It's okay if you don't want to go. You can wait for another five or six years. -Forgot to brush. -Ohh.
, it's time to go to school. Do you want this anemone to sting you? -You forgot to apply protective oil. -Oh. -Yes. -Brush. Do you want this anemone to sting you? -OK, I'm done . -You missed a spot. -Okay. -Wipe it quickly. -Where? -There. Right there. And here and here. All right, we're excited. The first day of school. Here we go. We're ready to learn to get some knowledge. What's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? Knowledge. -It's not safe. -That's my boy. What should we remember about the ocean? First, we check to see that the coast is clear. -It's not safe. -That's my boy. We go out...and back in. First, we check to see if it's clear. And then we go out... and back in. And then one more time-- out and back in. . And sometimes, if you want to do it four times-- out... and back. -Dad... -All right, come on, boy. -- Maybe while I'm at school, I'll see a shark. -Dad... -Okay, let's go. Kid. -I highly doubt that. -Have you ever met a shark? Maybe while I'm at school, I'll see a shark? No, and I don't plan to. -I highly doubt that. -Have you ever seen a shark? -How old are sea turtles? -I don't know No, I don't want to see either. Sandy Plankton from next door... -How old are these turtles? -I don't know. He says that sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. Uncle Shandi from next door said. .. he says that sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. If I ever meet a sea turtle, I'll ask him. He says that these sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. 100 years. After I'm done talking to the shark,
OK? If I see the turtle, I'll ask him. Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. After I talk to the shark, OK? Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. Wait a minute. Hold my fin. Wow! Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Dad, you're not going to freak out... Hold my fin. Iike you did at the petting zoo, are you? Old Dad, you have to be like last time at the pet park... MARLlN: That snail was about to charge. Hmm. I wonder where we're supposed to go. Watch that conch, he's about to pounce on you ALL : Bye, Mom! Well. I'm wondering where we're going. I'll pick you up after school. Ha ha! Come on, you guys, stop it! Give it back! Haha! Come on, we'll try over there. Come on, you guys, no! Give it back! Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher? Well, look who's out of the anemone. Sorry, is this where you meet the teacher? Yes. Shocking, I know. Oh, look who came out of the anemone. Yes. Shocking, I know. Yes. Shocking, I know. -Marty, right? -Marlin. Yeah. I don't go out much. -Bob. -Ted. -Marty, right? -Maureen. Bill. Hey, you're a clownfish. -Bob. - Curt. You're funny, right? Tell us a joke. Bill. Hey, you're a clownfish. -Yeah. -Yeah. You're funny, right? Tell us a joke. Well, actually, that's a common misconception. -Yeah. -Yeah. Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. That, in fact, is usually a misconception. -Come on, clownie. -Do something funny. All right , I know one joke. -Come on, clown. -Something funny. There's a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea-- Well, I know one joke. He doesn't walk up, he swims up. There's a mollusk, you know? He's walking towards the sea - Actually, the mollusk isn't moving. He's not walking across, he's swimming across.
He's in one place, and then the sea cucumber... In fact, molluscs cannot move into their nests. Well, they--I'm mixed up.
He just stayed there, and then the sea cucumber... There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. None of them were walking, so forget that l-- there was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. . None of them were walking, so forget that l-- Oops, I messed up Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johannsen's yard now! Mollusks and sea cucumbers, they can't walk, I just said it wrong- -Whoa! - All right, you kids! Get out of that yard. Oh, where'd you go? Dad, can I go play, too? Can l? Oh, where'd you go? I would feel better if you'd play on the sponge beds. Dad, can I play too? That's where I would play. -What's wrong with his fin? -He looks funny. I used to go Ow! Hey, what'd I do? -What's wrong with his fin? -He looks funny. Be nice. It's his first time at school. Oh! Hey , what's wrong with me? He was born with it. We call it his lucky fin. It's his first time at school. -Dad... -See this tentacle? He was born with it. We call it his lucky fin. Lucky Fin. It's actually shorter than all my other tentacles... -Dad... -See this tentacle? but you can't really tell. In fact, this one is shorter than all my other tentacles... Especially when I twirl them like this. But you can barely tell. I'm H-2-O intolerant. Especially when I twirl them like this. -Ah-choo! -I'm obnoxious. # # Oh ## -Ah! -I have ADHD## Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones ## # OH# ## Let's name the zones of the open sea ## # Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones , these places, these places# KlDS: Mr. Ray! #Let us name the vast ocean# -Come on, Nemo. -You better stay with me. Mr. Lei is here! ## Mesopelagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic ## - Come on, Nemo. - You'd better stay with me. ## All the rest are too deep for you and me to see ## # Mesopelagic, semi-abyssal, and abyssal areas# Huh. I wonder where my class has gone? # Other places
I'm too deep into you to see # ALL: We're under here! Ha. I wonder where all my students are? Oh, there you are. Climb aboard, explorers. Oh, there you are. , you are here. ## Oh, knowledge exploring ## Come on board, explorers. ## Is, oh, so lyrical ## # Oh, knowledge exploring ## When you think thoughts that are empirical ## #Oh, what a pleasure# Dad, you can go now. #When you think about your ideas, it is based on experience# -Hello. Who is this? -I'm Nemo. Dad, you can go now. Now. Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question. -Hello. Who is this? -I'm Nemo. -OK. -You live in what kind of home? Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question. A scientific question. An anemon-none. -Okay. -What kind of house do you live in? A nemenem-menome. In an anemone... anemone. OK, don't hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers. Sea...sea...kwai...kwai. Just so you know, he's got a little fin. Well, don't make it difficult for yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers. I find if he's having trouble swimming ... Just so you know, his fins are very small. I let him take a break, 10, 15 minutes. It's not easy to swim... NEM Dad, it's time for you to go now. Swim 10 to 15 minutes .I'll give him a break. Don't worry. We're gonna stay together as a group. Dad, it's time for you to go. OK, class, optical orbits up front. Don't worry. We're gonna stay together as a group. Together. And remember, we