About Socrates’ famous saying? 6?1 Men live by forgetfulness, women live by remembering. 6?1 Only reason is the most valuable. 6?1 I know very well that I have no wisdom, neither great nor small
About Socrates’ famous saying? 6?1 Men live by forgetfulness, women live by remembering. 6?1 Only reason is the most valuable. 6?1 I know very well that I have no wisdom, neither great nor small. 6.1 Education is a tool and method to seduce our hearts. 6.1 The most effective education method is not to tell people the answers, but to ask them questions. 6.1 If you want to learn knowledge from me, you must first have a strong desire for knowledge, just like you have a strong desire to survive. 6.1 Ideas should be born in the hearts of students, and teachers should just act like midwives. 6?1 There is a sun in everyone, the main thing is how to make it shine. 6?1 Education is not indoctrination, but igniting a flame. 6?1 Questions are midwives, helping new ideas to be born. 6.1 I am not the one who gives knowledge to people, but the midwife who causes knowledge to come into being by itself. 6.1 The best person is yourself. 6.1 The more you know, the less you know. 6?1 I know my ignorance, I know my ignorance. 6.1 An unexamined life is worthless. Or: An unexamined life is not worth living. 6.1 My tongue is particularly strong in front of many people. 6.1 Secret love is the most beautiful love in the world. 6.1 Don’t rely on gifts to get a friend. 6.1 Tell me your friends, and I will know what kind of person you are.
6?1 In this world, besides sunshine, air, water and smiles, what else do we need!