Original text:
Chen Dai said: "If you don't see the princes, you should be Xiao Ran;" At first glance today, the big one is king and the small one is bully. And "wisdom" says:' abandon the monarch and look straight.' If appropriate, you can do it. Mencius said, "In the past, in the fields of Qi Jinggong, people were invited to warn them in danger. If they fail, they will be killed. The brave do not forget the ravine, and the brave do not forget to lose the yuan. What did Confucius take? If you don't take it, you won't go. If you don't wait, what is it? What's more, the husband is looking for a waste of feet to make a profit. If it is profitable, then it is useless to find a ruler, or can it be? "
Chen Dai said: "It is too stingy not to see the princes; Now, once you meet a vassal, you can be benevolent in the world, and if you are young, you can dominate China. Moreover, the chronicle says,' If you bend a foot, you can straighten it and find it.' It seems that we should have a try. Mencius said, "Once upon a time, Jing Ke was used to summon Yamazawa's beadle who was in charge of hunting. If the deacon doesn't go, Gong Jing is going to kill him. People with lofty ideals adhere to ethics and are not afraid to abandon the corpse ravine; A brave man is brave and not afraid to abandon his head.
What does Confucius value about this little official? I just won't go, because I value him not as a phone gift that I should accept. If I go without waiting for the call of the vassal, who am I? Moreover, the so-called bending one foot can make you look straight up, which is completely considered from the perspective of interests. If you are mercenary, even if you bend down and straighten one foot, there will be small profits. Why not do it? "