Lutz asked, "Where's Sven?" Confucius said, "With my father and brother around, how can I smell and act?" You Ran asked, "Where is Sven?" Confucius said, "Si Wen must do it." Gong Xihua said: "You also asked, what did you hear? Confucius said:' Father and brother'; Asked xing, Confucius said' Si Wenxing'. Red is also confused and dares to ask. " Confucius said, "Seek to retreat, so advance; I retired because I am also a human being.
Confucius s translation view of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude;
Lutz asked Confucius, "Do you act on what you hear?" Confucius said, "You have a father and a brother. How can you hear these truths and put them into practice? " You Ran also asked, "Do you act on what you hear?" Confucius said, "Do what you say." Gong Xihua asked: "Luz asked him if he smelled it before he acted. My husband said he had a father and a brother. Ran asked if you want to smell it before you act. Teacher Ran said you should smell it before you act. I don't understand, I want to ask my husband. " Confucius said, "Ran is a coward. We should inspire his courage. Lutz is brave and good at fighting, so I asked him to retreat. "