15.40? When Shi Mian saw him, he saw the stairs, and Confucius said: "It's the steps." When he came to the mat, he said, "It's the mat." They all sat down, and Confucius told them, "Someone is here, and so is here." "Si." When the teacher came out, Zi Zhang asked: "What is the way to tell the teacher?" Confucius said: "Yes, it is the way of the solid phase teacher." The official of joy. "Mian" is his name. Ancient musicians often used blind people, because blind people are most sensitive to music.
Shi Mian came to see Confucius, and Confucius personally greeted him and led him into the house. Walking to the edge of the steps, Confucius said: "This is the step." Walking to the edge of the seat, Confucius said: "This is the seat." When everyone sat down, Confucius explained to him the position of everyone sitting: "So and so Here, so-and-so is here." After Shi Mian left, Zi Zhang asked the teacher: "Shi Mian is a blind man, and the teacher takes such good care of him. Is there any truth in this?" Confucius replied: "Yes, this is reception? The way of the blind.
Here we can see the cultivation of Confucius, which is to always have others in mind and care for others meticulously.
To develop good habits. , is good cultivation.
Writing and speaking, you will grow richer seven times faster.
Good morning, everyone. It’s half past six, and we continue to study the Analects as usual. As usual, we will review the content we learned yesterday.
Chapter 39 of the Analects of Confucius, Wei Ling Gong, Confucius said: That’s all.
It is Master Confucius who taught us that it is enough to express the meaning of what we say, and there is no need to pursue the quality of words, which means that we do not need to spend a lot of energy and time on modifying and improving our literary talent.
Liu Baonan commented that words are for telling things, and there is truth behind them, which is called facts. Speak with facts, and don’t let the words be more gorgeous than the facts, as long as the expression is in place.
In the previous chapter, it was said that quality is better than quality, and history is better than quality. Gentleman also gave a very good explanation of this matter, that is, our inner quality matches our inner performance. If the essence is good, but the external performance is not enough, it will appear very vulgar! What should I do if the two are matched with elegance and elegance? He is a true gentleman.
Mianzi here actually tells us to learn to speak human language. To put it bluntly, what is speaking human language? To put it bluntly, it means saying something to whom. For example, if we talk to the working people at the lower level, who are illiterate, and we talk very profoundly to them, isn’t that just playing the piano to others?
But if you are with a group of literati and elegant people, if you talk too plainly, Others will think you are uneducated. You need to know what to say on what occasion.
When we speak human words, we can directly state the facts and let the other party understand. The other is to tell the other party what to do. What to do, just explain it clearly.
Some people may ask, can’t I be more elegant? Like what I said yesterday, Yan Fu’s translation standard is to be honest and elegant! /p>
It’s not impossible. If you can be trustworthy, you can clearly explain its meaning and be loyal to its true meaning. You can express it clearly and elegantly, and your literary talent is good enough. Then you are great!
But many people often lose their trust and elegance for the sake of elegance. Just meet it, no need to ask too much. But if you can speak in perfect detail, let the sunset and the solitary owl fly together, and the autumn water and the sky remain the same color, that’s because you are great!
Okay, after briefly reviewing yesterday’s content, let’s learn new content. If you listen carefully, you will feel it. Brother, what you said is the same as what you said yesterday, but it is also different. Yes, because the same means the meaning is the same, but the difference is the way of expression. Or maybe I will have new inspirations, new stories, and new ideas at any time when I am speaking, and I can express them to everyone. To put it bluntly, I just express my thoughts with words, and there is no other meaning.
The chapter we want to study today is the last chapter of the Wei Ling Gong Chapter of The Analects of Confucius. Some people think that this chapter is in the wrong place and should be placed in the Township Party Chapter, because it talks about how to Treat people well.
But is it actually in the wrong place? No, this article should be placed here.
In the Analects of Confucius, at the beginning of the chapter of Wei Linggong, Wei Linggong asked Chen Yu Confucius, how did Confucius conduct an army and fight? Confucius replied: "Things about Zu Dou have been tasted and heard; military matters have not been learned."
I have never learned this, so I won't talk to you, and then left. . So what did Confucius talk about? Confucius talked about how to treat others. To put it bluntly, it is how to deal with others. At the end of this chapter, we can see how Confucius treated blind people.
After the introductory reading just now, I sent you a passage saying that you can tell whether a person is a big shot by how he treats little people. What does it mean? Let’s read the original text first, and then slowly communicate and discuss it with everyone.
When Shi Mian saw him, he saw the stairs, and Confucius said, "It's the steps." When he came to the mat, he said, "It's the mat." They all sat down, and Confucius told them, "Someone is here, and one is here."
When the teacher's crown came out, Zi Zhang asked, "What's the way to tell the teacher?" Confucius said: "Of course, this is the way of the master of solid phase." ”
We need to explain the term first. The first word, what does division refer to? Musician. The official in charge of music is called musician.
The second word is mian. , what is mian? The original meaning is hat, but here it is the name of the musician.
Then you may be wondering why Confucius wants to tell him a step? Common sense.
In the Spring and Autumn Period, most of the music officials and officials in charge of music were blind. Before this, we mentioned the story of Shi Kuang throwing the piano. , Do you still remember?
Why are blind people in charge of music? Because most of the blind people are blind, but their ears are very smart. Intelligent, with the keenest sense of music.
Blind? A Bing, does everyone know who played Erquan Yingyue? Then his second uncle, the first teacher of our folk artist Zhao Benshan, was also blind. < /p>
Now that we know that Shi Mian is a blind man, it is logical how Confucius will treat him, and we will not find it abrupt when Shi Mian comes to visit. Confucius, how did Confucius receive him?
First, Confucius welcomed him in person, and during the greeting process, he gave Shi Mian timely guidance. At the edge of the steps, tell Shi Mian: You have to be careful when you reach the steps. Don't fall or touch them. When you get to the edge of the seat, tell Shi Mian that we have reached the mat and we can sit down.
I want to explain this to you. This is also common sense. It seems that there were no stools in the Spring and Autumn Period. How did the ancients do it? They spread out mats on the ground and then sat on them, which is similar to the tatami in Japan today. Even Japan still retains our ancient Chinese style.
So how is it done? According to research, if you watch movies and TV, you can see that it is kneeling with the thighs on the ground. On the lower legs, you can only crawl forward when you are kowtowing.
After Confucius guided Shi Mian to sit down, this sitting method was very particular. In ancient times, the guest and the host were seated separately, so the host should be here. On the other side, where are the guests? Arrange the seats, and who should sit in what position. Those with low status and seniority cannot sit in the honorary seat, and those with high status cannot sit below. Otherwise, trouble will easily occur.
Confucius is a master of etiquette, and his arrangements must be just right, and who should sit in what position is just right.
At this time, Confucius was like a teacher making introductions. Whoever is sitting in this place or that place will be greeted by Shi Mian at this time, and the person who introduces him will also be greeted.
As I said just now, the musician cannot see with his eyes, but he can hear. It's amazing, as soon as you open your mouth to speak, he will remember you, who this person is, who that person is, and then the subsequent communication will be very smooth, how to talk, what to communicate, and talk and laugh happily.
It is conceivable that after Shi Mian came to see Confucius, if there was nothing else, Confucius would entertain him, have a meal and then leave. After the reception was over, Shi Mian was sent away.
One of the disciples who participated in the reception was Zizhang. Zizhang, whom we have mentioned many times before, came to ask the teacher and said: Teacher, Shi Mian is a blind man. How do you take care of him? So considerate, is there some truth in this?
Being considerate means that Confucius is not pretentious and respects the other party.
The second way is the way to behave in the world, and how to treat blind people. Here are the principles and methods.
Confucius replied firmly, "ran" means right and agrees. Said this is the correct way to receive blind people.
Because blind people cannot see, we must guide them well. In my mind's eye, Confucius should be supporting the musician, supporting him here and giving him help there at any time. While making the introduction, I treated Shi Mian as an outsider and respected him very much. I didn't treat him as a blind man and you can't see what I'm telling you. Instead, I treated him like a normal person and gave him very good care.
The phase here means help and guidance.
From this we can see that Confucius always had others in his heart and could care and love them meticulously.
He acts very naturally and kindly, allowing others to feel this kind of meticulous care and concern, but without any discomfort. Shi Mian did not feel inferior because he was blind. Confucius' reception made him very comfortable.
This is the great thing about a big man. When he is with ordinary people, even with disabled people, he does not make disabled people or ordinary people feel pressured, but makes them feel very comfortable. This is his ability. .
If we see many memoirs, especially those written by little people about meeting Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, you will be able to feel that these people said excitedly when they met the Chairman and the Prime Minister. My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I couldn't imagine how difficult it was to get close to this big man.
But when they were really together, he realized that these big shots were as kind and amiable to him as his own or his grandfather, as kind and natural as a spring breeze.
Speaking of Confucius receiving musicians, let’s talk about another character to provide evidence.
Who? Sakyamuni, also known as the Buddha, had a disciple who was also blind and could not see, but he still sewed his own clothes.
One day, he couldn’t thread his needle and couldn’t see, so he shouted for help and asked someone to help him. But if you think about it, his classmates were all Arhats and Bodhisattvas, who were busy entering meditation. , meditating in trance, no one heard him, and no one paid attention to him.
At this time, Sakyamuni personally came down to help him thread the needle and thread, handed it to him, and told him how to sew. When the student heard the voice, he knew it was Sakyamuni himself. I was very moved and said, "Teacher, why did you come in person?"
Sakyamuni said, this is me, I should do it, this is what I should do. Moreover, he also held a meeting to explain to the disciples that what people should do is this kind of thing. They should naturally help those in need. This is the embodiment of benevolence.
That is to say, not only our Chinese saints, but also the Buddha in the West, he can treat the people below him and those in need of help, and he can do his best to respect them and help them without any worries.
At that time in the Spring and Autumn Period, rituals collapsed and music collapsed. Why did rituals collapse and music collapsed? It's because many people only have themselves in their hearts and no one else. If it was just oneself and no one else, wouldn't it be a ruin of etiquette and music?
For example, many people go on a plane. When getting on and off the plane, the flight attendant will nod and smile to everyone to welcome or say goodbye. Some people will respond in kind. If the flight attendant smiles a little, I will too. Smiling at you and sincerely expressing gratitude is showing someone else in your heart. Some people just don't pay attention. Anyway, it's just a matter of routine. You pretend not to see it and only care about yourself. In fact, you don't have anyone else in your heart.
At the same time, you can also tell when you look at the flight attendants. Some flight attendants have empty eyes, and they just make mechanical welcome movements, welcome, welcome, but they don’t even look at you. This means they have no heart.
A truly caring person will sincerely look at you with a smile, greet you warmly, and make you feel like a spring breeze. Many people are fascinated by the smile of the flight attendant and cannot look back. Got it! But some flight attendants, because they always say hello to you and no one else responds, gradually become numb and insensitive, like a parrot, making mechanical movements without emotion. What you feel is What does it look like? That must be unpleasant!
The way Confucius received his teacher Mian, Zizhang asked if there was also Tao in it. As we just said, good guidance is the way.
How to welcome blind people, actually? There are also etiquette norms, which are stipulated in the "Book of Rites Shaoyi".
If there is no candle but someone comes later, the person who is there will be informed. The same goes for Dao Gu.
That is, if there are no candles in the room and someone comes later, the people in the room will tell them how to walk and where to sit. It's the same thing if a blind person comes in!
In other words, we already had detailed codes of conduct in the Spring and Autumn Period.
After learning this rule, if we want to know how to apply it next time. After learning this lesson, we must be good at guiding people who need help, blind people, or children who don’t understand much, and give them care and love.
Then remember to make people feel comfortable, and don’t let people see you as superior. Although you are doing this thing, but if people feel uncomfortable, then your efforts will be in vain, leaving you with The impression is not good.
Always consider others in your heart and develop good habits, which is a kind of good cultivation. If everyone can have a good cultivation, this society will be the same and it will be a good society.
This is why we say that every man is responsible for the rise and fall of a country! Whether this society is good or not, everyone has a responsibility. We can't control others, but control ourselves. We must first cultivate ourselves well, and then influence others. The larger your energy field, the wider the scope of influence. Everyone can do this. , then this society is no different.
Okay, the time has come, and this chapter ends here. What we are going to learn tomorrow is a new chapter, called the 16th chapter of the Analects of Confucius, Ji Shi Chapter.
This chapter is particularly long. This is a text we learned in junior high school. There are too many details, so I won’t read them all. This article is quite important and contains many famous sayings.
This chapter hopes that everyone will gather here seriously tomorrow morning, and we will study and discuss together.