"Lutz, people tell you that they have had enough, and they are very happy. When you hear good things, you will worship them. Dashun is very thoughtful, being kind to others, giving up oneself to others, and being happy with others is good. "
Lu asked, "In a word, what is the reason for mourning the country?" Confucius said that speaking can't be so simple and mechanical. However, some people say, "I have no other happiness as a monarch, but nothing I say goes against my will." If what you say is correct and no one doesn't listen to you, wouldn't it be all right? If what you say is not correct, no one will disobey, and you will lose your country if you don't get close to a word? Monarchs may also make mistakes; Listening to the opinions of others can prevent mistakes from turning into disasters. In another passage, Confucius did not say that mistakes might be made, but simply said that mistakes are inevitable for everyone and can only be corrected through severe advice. Good medicine tastes bitter and is good for illness, but advice when most unpleasant is good for action.
You have no courtiers, your father has no courtiers, your brother has no courtiers, your husband has no courtiers, and you have no courtiers, so you can stand (lose) and so on. So: you lose, I gain; If the father loses, the son wins; Brothers suffer, brothers gain; If the husband loses, the woman gets it; When a scholar is lost, a friend will get it. "Confucianism summed up all social relations with five pairs of relations, such as monarch, minister and father, that is to say, everyone is bound to make mistakes. It also focuses on the "fault" of the monarch and father to deny the absolute wisdom of superiors.
In the ancient history of China, many people dared to make suggestions. For example, as we all know, Wei Zhi is one of them. Wei Zhi once assisted two emperors, Tang Gaozong and Emperor Taizong. He often remonstrated with Emperor Taizong, was not afraid of sacrifice, and even flew into a rage against Emperor Taizong several times. Thanks to the intercession of his eldest grandson, he was spared punishment. However, Emperor Taizong listened to him in most cases, which led to the prosperity of the "Zhenguan system" when Emperor Taizong ruled the country. This is also the most precious legacy left by Li Shimin as a wise monarch.
Analyzing the essence of Emperor Taizong and supporting trainability is to internalize the inevitable philosophy of mistakes into the psychology of restraining self-esteem and valuing officials over the face. He told the courtiers that as courtiers, they should be loyal to remedy, save the country and save their own mistakes. I have read and met the loyal ministers of the previous generation, and I have never failed to sigh! "Equality, but direct admonition, is beneficial (helpful) to politics and religion;" In the end, I won't make a fool of myself, but I will be blamed for it. "Self-restraint in the use of power, encouraging courtiers to' keep their words' and' offend their faces', boldly sweeping his face, thus restraining self-esteem, is that he understands that official business is higher than face. He went on to say that I recently came to North Korea to do things, and some of them did not comply with national laws and regulations. " Men think small things, so they say nothing. All major events begin with minor events, and no matter minor events, major events are irreversible. "The country is in danger, because of this."
On this point, it has been recorded in the Book of Emperor Jiantu: Emperor Taizong tasted it and said angrily, "You will have to kill this Tian She Weng." After asking who it was, he said, "Wei Zhi humiliated me every time." Take a step back and put on royal clothes. He said, "I have heard that the Lord is clear and honest. Today, due to your understanding, Wei dare not congratulate me! " Shang Naiyue. The story goes like this: one day, Emperor Taizong went to the harem and suddenly became furious and said, "You should kill this hillbilly." Hearing this, the eldest grandson asked, "Who is your majesty going to kill?" Taizong said, "It's Wei Zhi. This man doesn't know the depth, and often scolds my faults in front of all the ministers. I can't stand it anymore, I want to kill him. " After listening to this, the queen withdrew without saying anything, put on the most solemn royal dress and stood in the yard. Emperor Taizong couldn't see the queen for a while and was wondering. So, when I walked out of the gate, I found the queen standing in front of the court in full dress. I was very surprised and asked, "What are you doing, Queen?" The queen said, "I heard an old proverb:' The Lord is a wise and upright minister'. Now Wei Zhi can speak frankly because of His Majesty's holiness and his ability to accommodate his subjects! A once-in-a-lifetime situation, a national event. Do you dare not congratulate me? " When Emperor Taizong heard the queen's words, he suddenly woke up and turned anger into joy.
It is not difficult to see from the above that even a wise monarch will be annoyed if he listens to many opinions. That was not the case. If the eldest grandson queen didn't explain the truth in time, maybe Wei Zhi's head would have fallen to the ground.
From here, we also realize a truth, that is, a good wife is less troublesome. Counting the kings of ancient sages, most of them are wise and talented, but it is undeniable that his achievements are also related to the help of virtuous ministers and wives. The reason why Emperor Taizong can become a wise king of a generation is that he is away from home, which can't be said to be difficult for Wei Zhi; Including this, you can't say that you don't benefit from the eldest grandson queen. At the same time, they also left behind for future generations stories of "looking at the mausoleum and destroying the view" and "leaving the temple to live".
After the story that Wei Zhi dared to remonstrate and Emperor Taizong was good at coachable was mentioned above, some people might be unconvinced, even saying that there was only one Wei Zhi in the era of Emperor Taizong, and I'm afraid there was no second one. Not exactly. In my opinion, it is not an isolated phenomenon, but has a broad foundation. Two stories, "Give advice to Alice" and "Stick a letter on the wall", can best illustrate this problem. First, at the beginning of Emperor Taizong's accession to the throne, Zhang Yungu, a former secretariat of Youzhou, wrote a book "Great Fidelity" as a motto dedicated to Emperor Taizong. Emperor Taizong was very happy after reading it and praised Zhang Yungu. He not only rewarded him with silk, but also promoted him to Cheng Dali to take charge of the trial. This is "giving advice to diaosi". Secondly, one day, Emperor Taizong said to Sikong Peiji, "These people who have written and talked about things are all posted on the wall of the house. They have to go in and out, or they will go to bed late at night." The public should be diligent in their careers, and vice versa. "This is" putting books on the wall ",which means that in order to keep abreast of the problems reflected by the liegeman and avoid negligence and delay the failure of state affairs, Emperor Taizong put the books of ministers on the wall of the house for him to read at any time. It is not difficult to see from here that the emergence of "the rule of Zhenguan" is not accidental, but is inseparable from Tang Taizong's extensive dabbling and being good at coachable.
Of course, gold alone is not enough, and no one is perfect. As a generation of Ming Di, Emperor Taizong was no exception, and he did something wrong during his reign. For example, Zhang Yungu was insulted by Uncle Naiji and beheaded by Emperor Taizong because Zhang defended a psychopath. Later, Ding Feng, a historian in the Ming Dynasty, commented on this matter and said, "Zhang Yungu's Great Fidelity can protect thousands of people in Qian Qian, but it can't protect itself. What a pity! "
However, it doesn't matter if you do something wrong, but you must have the courage to correct it. At this point, the process of dealing with Zhang Yungu by Emperor Taizong can also give people profound enlightenment. Emperor Taizong regretted killing Zhang Yungu, but his head was cut off but he couldn't fit it. So, in order to prevent such incidents, he told the ruling and opposition parties: "In the future, if you are sentenced to death, even if you execute it immediately, you should think twice three times before executing it."
There are two factors to remonstrate with the minister: one is the minister who dares to remonstrate with the monarch; The second is a monarch who can listen to the opinions of ministers honestly. As a minister, with a pure heart of serving the motherland, he should dare to tell the truth, make suggestions, do everything he knows, and dare to propose many valuable ways to govern the country to the king. However, as a minister,
To do this, we must have a certain degree of discretion, courage and courage. Besides, it's a big risk. If you are not careful, not only can you not wear a black hat, but even your head will move; As a generation of kings, we should have a broad mind, be frank with the opinions put forward by ministers, and proceed from the overall situation when things are not going well. Those who advise should change what they have and encourage what they have not.
Countless facts show that only an enlightened monarch who dares to coachable can make the country truly powerful. In history, there are many people who make their own decisions. Didn't they all die in the end? For example, Xiang Yu, the overlord of the place of Chu, did not cherish talents and did not listen to Chen Mou's advice. All he knows is that everything is decided by himself. Finally, he was ambushed by Liu Bang's army and died. Not to mention politically and in life. Everyone has shortcomings, but everyone treats them in different ways, either hiding them, facing them calmly and correcting them, or saying, "This doesn't hinder life." I think it's better to face it frankly. Friends should thank their friends for their shortcomings and correct them. In this way, talents will continue to make progress, instead of learning from Xiang Yu, and they will commit suicide, so that their shortcomings will accumulate and eventually hinder themselves and become a stumbling block in their study and life.