00: 00: 03 これとぃったきっかけがぁったで
00:00:06 どしてをサボってをぶらつく.
00: 00: 10 そん な の ととりぃ との とととととの ととととと 12
00: 00: 13 ぃつのまにかしくなり
00: 00: 15がぃたらになってぃた.
00:00: 18 friends also live in private places.
00:00:22 そうだな
00: 00: 23 ァンタかってるのかかがどぅぅとぅととかかぅぅと 123
00:00:37 Friends also play ""
00:00:40 abdominal pain. Stop.
00:00:42 weeks ago, to what extent did you have abdominal pain?
00: 00: 45 わざわざなくてもぃぃってぃつもっ.
00:00:48: Let go of "ってぉくせにはぃかなぃははぉの".
00:00:52 don't.
Talking about でもそんなことをわなぃでくれ
00:00:59 Ben's Sadness, Sadness, Sadness, Sadness, Sadness and Sadness
00: 0 1: 02 そんなするなよかった
00: 0 1: 05 ほらはのだろははののだはははははののろ
00:0 1:08 YuanだしてこぅぜOK.
00: 0 1: 10 そぅだなででこぅ.
00:00:00 I've been dating Zhi Dai for a month.
00:00:03 There's nothing to say about this opportunity.
00:00:06 Late, truant and wandering in the street.
00:00: 10 Meet Zhi Dai like this every day.
00:00: 13 I don't know when I became close.
00:00: 15 When I come to my senses, it has become a lover relationship.
00:00: 18 friends, would you like to stay with me from now on?
00:00:22 Yes.
00:00:23 Do you understand what kind of people you are dealing with?
00:00:25 Another World Zhi Dai
00:00:37 Peng also got up.
00:00:40 I have a stomachache and need to rest.
00:00:42 How many times a week do you have stomachache?
00:00:45 Didn't I specifically tell you not to come here?
00:00:48 I can't leave you alone After all, I am your girlfriend.
00:00:52 Let's break up.
00:00:56 Please don't say such things, even if it's a joke.
00:00:59 will really make people sad.
Don't make that face. This is my fault.
00:0 1:05 by the way, isn't today the day of the student union president election?
00:0 1:08 Cheer up.
00:0 1: 10, too. Smile and greet each other.