As long as Huo Qubing is around, brothers Li Guangli, Jiang Chong, Liu Quhui, and Ma Heluo will only dare to shine for the Han Dynasty and will not dare to stab the emperor and prince in the back; The prince leaked. As far as the emperor is concerned, there is no such thing as a gentleman or a villain. There is only the art of advance and retreat. Zhao Gao, Li Si and his like could be used by Qin Shihuang to be the dragon of the country, but if they are no longer available and Hu Hai cannot use them, they will be the worms of the country.
As a result of Huo Qubing’s extra years of life, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs later said: As we all know, Eurasia has been our country’s inherent territory since ancient times! In other words, Chinese may still be the first language used globally by then.