whether it's a yin house or a yang house, we should pay attention to taking advantage of anger and avoiding death. The Yellow Emperor's House Classic says: "Every year there is December, and every month there is a place where people are angry. ..... In the first month, the anger lies in the decyl, and the dead is at noon; February is angry at Ugly Gen, but dead at Wei Kun; Born in Yinjia in March and dead in Geng Shen; April is angry at Mao B, dead at You Xin, born in Chen Xun in May, dead at Xu Gan; In June, I was angry in C, and I was dead in Hai Ren. July is born in Ding, dead in Zi Gui, August is angry in Wei Kun, and dead in Ugly Gen; In September, I was angry in Geng Shen, and I was dead. October is angry in Youxin, but dead in Maob; Born in dry in November, dead in the morning; In December, I was angry at Hairen, and I was dead. " That is to say, there is life and death every month, and the specific position is the position indicated by gossip, heavenly stems and earthly branches on the compass. When Mr. Feng Shui looks at the ground, he holds a compass. First of all, he can see clearly where the angry and the dead are in this month. It is good for him to break ground in the angry direction, and it is bad for him to break ground in the dead direction.
Feng Shui master's general view on Qi: Anger is a unitary movement to transform Qi, and in the sky, it flows around with six vacuities, while in the earth, everything happens. Without this, there is no gas to support the land, and without this, there is no load. Anger is hidden in the ground, and people can't see it. They only seek it according to the reason of the ground. If the buried person can know where it is and make the dead bones take advantage of it, he will be blessed. Parents' bones are the foundation of their children, and children's bodies are the branches of their parents. This corresponds to the branches. If you get lucky, your gods will be safe, and your children will be prosperous. This is called "Qi feeling should be blessed by ghosts and people".