If a person has no faith, he cannot stand; treat others with sincerity and be moral. Be true to your words and be resolute in your deeds; learn from Ji Bu, Nuo Qianjin means:
If a person is not trustworthy, he cannot stand in the world; we must treat others with sincerity and integrity, and we must be reasonable in our behavior. Be loyal and don't deceive others. What you say must be credible enough, you must keep your word when you say it, you must do it, and you must have results when you take action; if you want to learn from Ji Bu, work hard to keep your promise.
You made a mistake in writing one word. The word behind it is "Be true to your words", not "Be true to your words".
The key point of this sentence is to be honest, do not hide your true thoughts, do not hide your true feelings, do not lie, do not cheat, and do not deceive others for ulterior purposes. The second important point is to be trustworthy, that is, to be trustworthy, to keep your promises, to be faithful to your obligations, and to do what you have promised to others.
Faithfully fulfilling one's obligations is the professional quality that every modern citizen should have. If you treat people with integrity, they will not bully you; if you treat things with integrity, you will succeed in everything. Honesty and trustworthiness are the foundation of being a human being and the key to doing business. First of all, whether a person is honest and trustworthy is an expression of a person's moral cultivation and noble personality. Secondly, being honest and trustworthy is one of the important prerequisites for winning the respect and kindness of others.
In fact, whether you are a person or a business, you need to be honest and trustworthy. Honesty and trustworthiness are the foundation of building a business. If you are a cadre, if you only talk but do not do anything to your subordinates, do not keep your word, and only think about your own promotion and wealth, you will inevitably perish. If the staff of an enterprise can establish an image of "integrity-based" and "no bully", the enterprise will be able to continue to grow and develop. If you resort to fraud, shoddy products, shoddy products, and dishonesty in order to pursue maximum profits, you may benefit temporarily, but you will eventually suffer ruin and suffer the consequences. A teacher should not only "preach, teach, and resolve doubts," but also "be a role model for others" and "teach by words and deeds." In teaching work, we must be loyal to our duties, love our profession, be conscientious and responsible, and be honest. We must not be perfunctory, exaggerated, deceitful, or muddle along. "Honesty and trustworthiness" is not only a moral quality, but also a "noble personality". Every teacher should not only educate students with his own knowledge, wisdom and talents, but also enlighten students with his own "personality strength". To inspire students, in short, no matter what profession we are engaged in, we must integrate "honesty and trustworthiness" into the specific requirements of professional ethics.