■In human life, competitiveness is something of great significance. [India] Premchand: "The Devout Sujan"
■The survival of all things depends on the competition of natural forces, and emotions themselves are living natural forces. [UK] Pope: "Treatise on Man"
■Noble competition is the source of all excellence. [UK] Hume: "On the Rise and Progress of Art and Science"
■Every day of life is spent in victory or defeat, and everything appears in the form of competition. Every day is a struggle to win the competition, or at least not lose to the other side. Therefore, if you slack off for one day, you will fall behind and fail. Life is so grim. [Japan] Osomatsu Blog: "The Autobiography of the Devil Osomatsu"
■Like every other animal, the reason why humans have been able to progress to such a high level is undoubtedly the struggle for survival caused by rapid proliferation. And completed; if human beings want to progress to higher places, I am afraid that they must continue to fight fiercely. Otherwise mankind will fall into laziness, and those with higher talents will have no greater success in the struggle of life than those with less talents. Therefore, although the natural rate of human increase can cause many obvious evils, there is no way to greatly reduce it. All men should take part in open competition; no law or custom should prevent the most talented from achieving the greatest success and raising the greatest number of offspring. [UK] Darwin: "The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection"