The famous saying that the motherland develops and I grow up.
Young people's wisdom makes the country wise, young people's wealth makes the country rich, young people's strength makes the country strong, young people's independence makes the country independent, young people's freedom makes the country free, young people's progress makes the country progress, young people are better than Europe, and young people are better than the earth. Red is rising, and its way is bright. When a river flows down, it pours into Wang Yang. Dive into the depths of the dragon, and the scales fly. The milk tiger roars in the valley, and all the animals are in shock. The falcon tries its wings, and the dust sucks. Strange flowers are born at the beginning, and they are emperor. A dry hand can make a difference, but it can make a difference. The sky wears its pale, and the ground covers its yellow. Even though there are ages, there are eight famines. The future is like the sea, and there is still plenty of time. Beautiful, I am young chinese, and the sky is not old! Zhuang zai, I am a teenager in China, and I have no borders with the country!