On a certain day in a certain year, the unfilial man, XXX, etc., I would like to pay tribute to the spirit of the monarch in a certain house with a clear thought, and hang it with a text saying: Alas, I feel sorry for my father, and I was occasionally slightly ill and died of illness. If I am unfilial, I will suffer from Yan Jun. On the 9th, the sky wept blood, and the tears spilled on the soil. Knowing my father well, it's hard to die. Diligent cultivation, busy day and night. Create a family, be frugal and faithful. There is a way to live in the world, and gram has been respectful. To give birth to our generation, take good care of it. Raising education, strict and serious. If you are virtuous, you should live a hundred years. To be my daughter, I will save myself from morning fainting, serve and respect, and give some thought. Hu Tian abandoned me, leaving me alone. Soul wandering in hades, shouting but not listening. If you can't see it, you can't kiss it. Crying breaks the liver and intestines, how can you stretch your feelings? I'd like to pay a memorial to show my filial piety. Turn grief into thrift and pain into diligence. Carry on the legacy and get married. My late father, Jiuquan, has a spirit. Come and taste the products. Alas! Shang Xiang!
Fool, son, son, son, etc. wept and offered sacrifices to mother
On a certain day in a certain year of A.D., an unfilial man, son, son, etc., offered sacrifices to the spirit of the sages, and hung them with the words: Life and death are eternal, which is the most hurtful. Unfortunately, my mother, don't say goodbye. Remember my mother, be diligent and frugal. Serve aunt Weng, respect and filial piety, sister-in-law * * *, love each other. If you live forever, you will grow up bitter. It takes a lot of hard work to get married. Do your best to help, live in poverty. Work hard to spend Changchun. With Shu De, you should live for a hundred years. I'm trying to think deeply. Hu Tian died prematurely. Mourn for your children, but don't listen to them. Thin wine to pay homage, to show my gratitude. May the mother have a sense of sleep and come to taste the food. Alas! Shang Xiang!
the fool, XXX, etc. wept and drank.